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          Alive Plus Asbl

          Nurses and orderlies - Private 2-4 Rue Ernie Reitz L-4151 Esch-sur-Alzette (Esch-Uelzecht)
          See the number 24 55 95 44 Getting There Website Contact Services Faire un don Faire un don

          About Alive Plus Asbl

          • Disabled access
          • Parking
          • Children’s area
          • Air conditioning

          AlivePlus a.s.b.l. is composed of three services:


          1) Alive Care and Help at Home

          2) F.A.M.I.L - Day Activity Service for children with disabilities

          3) AliveZenter - therapy center.

          Opening hours:

          Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00

          2-4 Rue Ernie Reitz

          L-4151 Esch-sur-Alzette


          Tel: 24 55 95 44





          ·Alive Care and Help at Home


          Alive is a team of dynamic health professionals specializing in home care and assistance.

          We are approved by the Ministry of Family and Integration, approved by the CNS and the dependency insurance.

          Opening hours for Alive treatments:

          7 days a week from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

          Night permanence for people benefiting from a palliative care title.


          Opening hours of the Alive treatments:

          Monday to Sunday from 6:00 to 22:00


          Tel : 24 55 95 44

          Fax : 24 55 96 45





          F.A.M.I.L. - Day Activity Service for Children with disabilities


          F.A.M.I.L. is a day-care activity center that includes several health and personal assistance services.

          We are approved by the Ministry of Family, Integration, and the Greater Region, approved by the Ministry of National Education and Youth, and contracted by the CNS.


          Opening hours :

          Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 19:00

          Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00


          Tel : 24 55 99 07

          Fax : 24 55 90 93



          AliveZenter - Therapy Center

          The therapy center AliveZenter is a service of the non-profit association ALIVEplus.

          The AliveZenter is more than a therapeutic center, it is thought of as a place of meeting and exchange. A family and relaxed atmosphere allow visitors to feel comfortable and confident. The objective of the center is to allow anyone seeking support and help to find an answer in connection with an attack on their biopsychosocial sphere

          Opening Hours

          Monday – Friday from 07h30 – 17h00

          Saturday & Sunday Closed

          Tel : +352 24 55 95 44

          Fax : +352 24 55 96 45


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