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          Anouck ADAM - Ostéopathe pour animaux

          Osteopathy for animals 14 Op der Schleed L-9140 Bourscheid (Buurschent)
          Served locations:
          • Luxembourg
          • Hayange
          • Metz
          • Amnéville
          • Dudelange
          • Weiswampach
          • Bourscheid
          • Echternach
          • Bastogne
          • Virton
          See the number 621 491 177 Getting There Website Informations sur la séance A propos de l'ostéopathie

          About Anouck ADAM - Ostéopathe pour animaux

          • Home visits

          Anouck Adam is a passionate animal osteopath, offering her osteopathic care services to animals of all species.

          Based in Luxembourg, she also travels to Moselle (France) and the province of Luxembourg (Belgium), and can work in other regions on request.

          Whether consulting private owners or professionals such as breeders and trainers, Anouck Adam puts her expertise at the service of animal welfare.

          Her skills in animal osteopathy cover a wide variety of species, from companion animals such as dogs and cats, to new companion animals (NACs) and horses. She also brings her expertise to livestock and farm animals, offering care tailored to the specific needs of each animal.

          Using a holistic, personalised approach for each patient, Anouck Adam is committed to improving the health and quality of life of animals through a variety of effective manual techniques.

          When they call on Anouck Adam, owners and professionals benefit from the experience and dedication of a practitioner who puts the well-being of animals at the heart of her work.

          She treats a range of mobility, pain and stress problems in animals, contributing to their comfort and performance.

          Whether it's for a preventive consultation or to deal with a specific problem, Anouck Adam is a valuable resource for anyone seeking the best osteopathic care for their animals.

          Events !

          • 26 SEP 2024

            Belgian Thursdays !

            Tous les jeudis, consultations en Province de Luxembourg, en Belgique !

            Ainsi, toutes les consultations dans cette région seront rassemblées le même jour pour permettre une division des frais de déplacement entre les différentes séances (vous permettant de faire des économies !).

            Pour prendre rendez-vous, vous pouvez envoyer un SMS (ou message WhatsApp) au +352 621 491 177 en précisant quel animal vous voulez faire suivre (avec son nom, son âge, le motif de la consultation, sa race ou son type), vos coordonnées (nom, prénom et adresse) ainsi que vos disponibilités dans la journée.

            Vous serez recontactés au plus vite !

            Belgian Thursdays !

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