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          Armeni Christophe

          Physiotherapists 2 Um Weiher L-9805 Hosingen (Housen)
          See the number 691 744 862 Getting There Website Contact

          About Armeni Christophe

          • Disabled access
          • Parking
          • Ramp access

          I receive you as a Physiotherapist in Hosingen, Monday to Friday from 8 am to 7 pm. Consultations are by appointment only, at the office or at home, in Hosingen and surroundings. With many years of experience in the field of osteo-articular manual therapy and the treatment of benign paroxysmal vertigo, here is an overview of the rehabilitation and techniques used:

          - Manual therapy (according to the Sohier concept, Dorn concept)
          - Spinal traction in case of disc protrusions
          - Treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
          - Rehabilitation of the spine (lumbago, discopathies, vertebral arthrodeses...)
          - Rehabilitation after sports injuries/injuries
          - Neurological rehabilitation
          - Post-operative rehabilitation (prostheses, arthrodeses, arthroscopies, tendon sutures...)
          - Postural rehabilitation
          - Fascia release
          - Functional rehabilitation

          The Kinesitherapy and Manual Therapy practice, located in a dead-end street, is easily accessible and has a parking lot with several spaces. Several free parking spaces are available.

          Please contact me to make an appointment or for further information.

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