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          Bonappart Syndic de Copropriétés/GEstion Immobilière

          Real property management 53 Rue J-B Esch L-1473 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)
          See the number 26 38 36 28 Getting There Website Contact Services

          About Bonappart Syndic de Copropriétés/GEstion Immobilière

          Our services are based on co-ownership as our sole activity.

          In order to avoid spreading ourselves too thinly, BONAPPART' works exclusively in the field of condominium management and voluntarily leaves the rental/sales field behind, so that we can devote ourselves entirely to our co-owners.

          BONAPPART' is one of the few property managers in the Grand Duchy to do this. Property management is our business and we devote all our energy to serving you in the best possible way. With BONAPPART ', you can enjoy living in your own home again...

          What is a professional Syndic? The Syndic is appointed by the Syndicat des Copropriétaires and is responsible for managing the co-ownership. He is the only one responsible for its management. He is the intermediary between the co-ownership and its external environment such as suppliers and service providers of all kinds, but also banks and legal affairs.

          The Syndic undertakes to do everything possible to ensure that the co-ownership continues to operate smoothly by applying the rules of the art. The professional Syndic is remunerated for his management and receives fees from the co-ownership. The Syndic must, among other things, have an authorisation issued by the Ministry of the Middle Classes, and must be in possession of professional liability insurance. Co-ownership As soon as a building or group of buildings belongs to two co-owners, there is CO-OWNERSHIP. This implies a division by lots comprising private parts and a share of the common parts. The co-ownership is divided into: PRIVATE parts when they are reserved for the exclusive use of a single co-owner (example: a flat). The right of ownership of each co-owner over his private parts is part of a collective organisation whose rules are imposed on him and to which he must contribute. COMMON when they are the property of all the co-owners and intended for the use of all. (e.g. roof, walls, stairs and corridors...).

          They are managed by decisions taken by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY according to various majority rules.

          It should be noted that three factors are essential in a co-ownership for it to be managed as it should be: - A Syndic - A Syndical Council - A General Assembly Rights and Obligations of the Co-owner.

          Generally speaking, it is your responsibility to respect the co-ownership regulations in their entirety. For example, you may be forbidden to install a satellite dish on your terrace, or even forbidden to carry out a professional activity within the co-ownership, among other things...

          Common areas. You must use the common areas with due care and attention, which means that you must not interfere with their use. You may not clutter your landing or common areas such as access to the building, corridors and anything else that is common to all other co-owners.

          The private parts. These parts forming your lot are for exclusive use, however, you live in a community, which requires a certain respect for your neighbours, who cannot be disturbed in their tranquillity by your activities. You may not modify the interior layout of your lot if this modification would affect the solidity or stability of the building, or if this modification would affect the common parts.

           In the event of a transfer (sale, donation or any other transfer of ownership) you must inform the Syndic in writing. The payment of charges is also part of the obligations of the co-owner, as the Syndic uses these funds to manage the co-ownership correctly. General meetings In principle, a healthy and well-managed co-ownership only requires an annual general meeting. For various justified reasons, one or more extraordinary meetings may have to be held during the year. Before a general meeting takes place, the condominium's Conseil Syndical controls and assists the Syndic in the preparation of the AGM by checking the management accounts.

           The Syndic then proceeds to convene the co-owners who will have to express themselves on the different points of the agenda at the general meeting. Decisions at the General Meeting are taken and voted on by the co-owners who have a certain number of votes expressed by their thousandths during the votes. The Syndic executes the decisions taken at the GA.

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