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          CESAS centre national de référence pour la promotion de la santé affective et sexuelle

          Public institutions 8 Rue de la Fonderie L-1531 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)
          See the number 28 56 94 Getting There Website Contact

          About CESAS centre national de référence pour la promotion de la santé affective et sexuelle

          • Disabled access
          • WiFi hotspot
          • Lift
          • Seminar room

          Cesas, the national reference center for the promotion of emotional and sexual health, was created in 2018 following the recommendations of the 1st National Action Plan for the Promotion of Emotional and Sexual Health.

          Cesas promotes a holistic and positive approach to sexuality; defending rights related to emotional and sexual health.

          Cesas' missions are to promote emotional and sexual health through information, training and awareness-raising.

          The team responsible for the promotion of emotional and sexual health is made up of project officers specialized in public health, the training of multipliers and the prevention of violence.


          •        promotes and develops the network of field actors, which it supports with quality information, tools and documentation.

          •        refers requests from third-party individuals or organizations to field actors with specific expertise in emotional and sexual health.

          •        develops and organizes awareness-raising actions and training aimed at field professionals from different sectors. Among them, professionals from

          • formal education (basic, secondary, differentiated education, etc.)
          • non-formal education (nurseries, daycare centers, youth centers, children’s homes, boarding schools, etc.).
          • institutions in the social field, in the disability and health sectors, ....

          •        leads or participates in specific working groups with/for various institutional and associative partners, such as the national "emotional and sexual health" action plan, ...

          Documentation center and thematic bibliographic database, educational tools and books; possible loan for professionals.

          Free services.

          Contact persons