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          Crèche Jardin d'éveil Schwebsange - Garden of Awakening

          Nurseries and day center 43 Route du Vin L-5447 Schwebsingen (Schwéidsbeng)
          See the number 26 66 55 11 Getting There Website

          About Crèche Jardin d'éveil Schwebsange - Garden of Awakening

          • Parking

          Are you looking for safe, stimulating childcare ?

          We are a team of early childhood professionals who offer daycare solutions based on our professional and personal experiences and our attention to the needs of each child and family.


          "Garden of Awakening-Le jardin d'éveil" is a French - English - Luxemburgish trilingual childcare centre. Many foreign languages are spoken in Luxembourg and we have decided to use the three most common to the area, encouraging children to develop an “ear” from an early age and to grow in a setting that resembles the society in which they live. Our curriculum and modus operandi are based on the work of Maria Montessori and Emmi Pikler.


          Cheques Service Accueil is available.

          Contact persons