My therapeutic goal for each animal patient is to give them as much pleasure in movement and therefore quality of life as possible. But remember that physiotherapy does not replace treatment by a veterinarian.
Before therapy can begin, a questionnaire is completed at the first appointment to determine your pet's health status (current problems and pain, previous illnesses and veterinarian's diagnosis). If you have x-rays, please bring them with you. Next, we perform a visual and tactile examination and a final gait analysis of your pet.
On the basis of this assessment, a treatment plan specially adapted to your pet is established. The following treatment dates are discussed and agreed upon with you. As not only the therapy sessions in the office are important and accelerate the healing of your pet, I will gladly work out a home exercise program with you if you wish.
During the assessment, it is important for me to get to know your pet and establish trust. Therefore, please allow 60 to 90 minutes for the first appointment. Subsequent appointments last approximately 30 to 40 minutes. The goals set out in the treatment plan will always serve as a basis, but your pet will be examined before each treatment to determine his or her condition and if any modifications to the therapy are necessary.