The firm's lawyers advise and intervene in the country’s various courts, as well as in European courts present in the country.
The firm was created in 1995 by Michel Karp, attorney at law, registered at the Luxembourg bar since 1986, and Joëlle Choucroun, attorney at law since March 1992.
Member of MSI Global Alliance Luxembourg
- Business law - including recovery of debt
- Corporate law - including settlement of disputes between associates
- Contractual law - assistance in negotiating and drafting national and international commercial contracts, national and international litigation
- Labor law - drafting of employment contracts, collective or individual dismissal procedures, litigation in labor courts
- Social security law - appeals in social courts
- Real estate law - property law, rental and joint ownership agreements, as well as transactional
- Civil liability law - contract and tort law
- Insurance law
- Administrative law - particularly in the areas of establishment and immigration
- Banking law
- Family law - divorce, alimony, visitation rights, etc.
- Inheritance law
- Compensation for victims of accidents or violations
- Medical liability
- Criminal offences, including traffic offences
The law firm also assists EU officers in dispute with their institutions from the beginning of the conflict but also in negotiations and at the submission of appeals to the courts (European civil service court, First instance court, and Court of European Communities).
We, as Tax lawyers and experienced, 20 years in Luxembourg place, and sworn professionals in banking, business and finance area, we assist corporate companies, investment funds and individuals in defining a solid national or international tax strategy and legal restructuring in order to decrease your tax charges.
We advise on all legal issues from set up to management concerning luxembourg legal structures ( SA, SARL, SICAV, SOPARFI, Familly office, investment funds, REIF, REITS etc...). We provide our review concerning corporate articles, board meeting minutes, prospectus to be introduced to CSSF. We may assist you concerning compliance duties and legal requirements fullfilment concerning investment funds: private equity, real estate, alternative investment funds etc... (UCITS, european tax reporting issues, saving directives, german taxation etc...).
We benefit from an international network of legal and accountant professionnals as member of MSI Global Alliance.