At Fitdog we practice animal physiotherapy with love and compassion.
Fitdog is a full service animal physiotherapy practise as well as a certified canine fitness trainer. We offer everything from manual therapy such as massage and rehab exercises to laser, electrotherapy and hydrotherapy! We treat not only dogs, but also cats and other pets.
Our mission at Fitdog is to give your pet the highest possible standard of care in a fear free environment. Fitdog is the first ‘Fear Free®’ certified Animal Physiotherapist in the Benelux! In addition, and unique in Luxembourg and the greater region, we are a fully Certified Canine Fitness Trainer, thereby offering Fitness for conditioning and injury prevention for dogs of all ages, puppies to seniors and household pets to sporting or working dogs.
At Fitdog we help keep your pet mobile as a Fit Dog is a Happy Dog!
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us!