Our consultation centre
is open to everyone regardless of their religion or worldviews. it reaches out to anyone facing difficulties:
- with themselves: own possibilities and limits, self-esteem, sexuality, …,
- with others: family, partner, children, colleagues, superiors, friends, …,
- with significant life events: separation, divorce, bereavement, unemployment, illness, retirement, loneliness, violence….
Our team
is composed of a secretary and several psychologists who have all received further psychotherapy training.
Theoretical and methodological approach
Different approaches: person-centred psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, systemic family therapy, ….
What we mean by psychological consultation
We define ourselves as partners who help you elaborate solutions to your problems and current conflicts.
We respect your individuality and autonomy and assist during difficult situations.
What we offer
- Individual appointments,
- Couple appointments,
- Family appointments.
Appointments may be arranged in Luxembourgish, German, French, English or Portuguese.
What we do not offer
- School orientation,
- Career orientation,
- Legal advice,
- Medical advice.
We will gladly direct you to the appropriate services.
What is particularly important to us
All our team members are bound by professional confidentiality.
How to contact us
In order to schedule a first appointment, we kindly ask you to contact us personally, preferably by phone. First appointments are given in the order of initial application considering the availability of both client and psychologist.
As far as possible people in acute crisis situations will receive an appointment within a few days’ time.
If you wish, you may also talk directly on the phone to one of our psychologists and decide together on further steps.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm.
Other appointment times can be scheduled by prior arrangement.
Contribution fee (1% net income per session).
Information and registration
Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to midday.