Hëllef Doheem is:
A total and global care of the customer
A guaranteed service 7 days a week
A service for everyone - everywhere in Luxembourg
A qualified and highly competent staff
98% customer satisfaction (TNS-Ilres)
Our services:
Help and care at home: our help and care centres
For any assistance, short or long term, do not hesitate to contact our help and care centres. We will be happy to help you - anywhere in Luxembourg.
Night care
Do you or your loved one need night care? We will take care of it.
Advice and care
Do you need dietary advice, physiotherapy or psychological support at home?
Contact us, our health professionals will meet your needs.
Palliative care at home
Our professionals take care of physical pain and psychological suffering at the end of life.
Day centres
The day centre offers a structured day with activities, therapies and, above all, community life to anyone aged 65 or over. The home actively prevents social isolation.
Services at home
We help you with your domestic chores and other tasks of daily life (shopping, laundry,...).
Dry Doheem
Our 7/7 and 24/24 remote alarm system accompanies you in all your activities. In case of
If you need help, we will quickly organise it for you. You are safe.
For more information:
Call us on 402080 or write to us: info@shd.lu