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          INFPC - Institut national pour le développement de la formation professionnelle continue

          Vocational training and life-long learning 2 Rue Peternelchen - CUBUS C2 - L-2370 Howald (Houwald)
          See the number 46 96 12-1 Getting There Website Contact

          About INFPC - Institut national pour le développement de la formation professionnelle continue

          • Internet access

          As the central body for information about training for the past thirty years, the INFPC is ready to apply its professionalism, interest and empathy to accompanying you in your training-related procedures.

          Our current missions are aimed at:

          • providing easy access to information about lifelong learning
          • promoting lifelong learning within the Grand Duchy's economic and social fabric
          • providing information for businesses applying for financial aid from the State for training
          • preparing analysis documents and training plans, and accompanying businesses applying for financial aid from the State for training
          • carrying out and organising studies designed to contribute to improving the education and continuing vocational training system

          Our articles

          Contact persons