Public administration in Luxembourg-City
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Fonds de compensation commun au régime général de pension (FDC)
34-40 Avenue de la Porte-Neuve L-2227 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)43Institué par la loi modifiée du 6 mai 2004 sur l’administration du patrimoine du régime général de pension, le Fonds de compensation commun au régime général de pension (FDC) a pour...
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Centrale téléphonique: 2818-2818 email:...
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Horaires d'accès du standard téléphonique : Lundi au Vendredi de 8h30 à 14h30
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Administration de l'Enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA (AED)
308 Route d'Esch L-1471 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)46 -
The European Consumer Centre Luxembourg (ECC Luxembourg) GIE is part of a network of 29 ECCs in the European Union plus Iceland and Norway (ECC-Net).The ECCLuxembourg was created in 1991 under the name "Euroguichet" and celebrates its 20th...
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142 Boulevard de la Pétrusse L-2330 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)Serves all of Luxembourg48Financial Services Accountant LuxembourgYour Strategic Partner for Business Growth and SustainabilityFounded in 2017, Financial Services Accountant in Luxembourg supports your business at every stage of its lifecycle—from incorporation to...
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Etablissement public sous la tutelle du Ministère du Logement, le Fonds du Logement est en charge de l'aménagement de terrains à bâtir en vue de la construction de logements abordables destinés à la vente et/ou à la location.Informations et...
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Omega 90 offers: Psychological counselling for the seriously or terminally ill, those close to them and the bereaved. Palliative care for terminally ill patients at the palliative care centre Haus Omega in Hamm. Palliative-care training for...
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Since 1998, the Mediation Centre has been a major player in the development of mediation in Luxembourg.The Centre deals with all types of mediation in the context of interpersonal conflicts, and more specifically in:- Family mediation- Civil and...
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FIDUO is a chartered accountancy and domiciliation services company established in Luxembourg over 20 years ago as a result of the demerger of Mazars' activities in 2011.The FIDUO Group employs more than 30 high skilled people who serve a broad panel...
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Present your products and ideas all over the world! ODL supports your project at all stages by offering: · financial aid on your promotional costs aimed at international...
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POST Philately émet les timbres, gère les commandes philatéliques et détient les stocks de timbres du Luxembourg.Le guichet philatélique situé dans le quartier de la Cloche d’Or, propose à tous les clients (particuliers, professionnels,...
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The Social Security Centre (CCSS) is an independent public-sector establishment. It is supervised by the Ministry of Health and Social Security, and overseen by a Board of directors. The main missions of the CCSS are to register insured persons...
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L'Agence eSanté a pour mission principale de faciliter le partage et l'échange de données de santé du patient entre les professionnels de santé impliqués dans son parcours de santé.Suivant les dispositions de l’article 60ter et 60quater du Code de la...
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The diagnosis of "dementia" completely changes the life of the person affected and also that of their relatives.Get informed and learn how to recognise the typical symptoms of dementia and how to organise everyday life as well as possible, for all...
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Maison du diabète (Association Luxembourgeoise du Diabète)
143 Rue de Muehlenbach L-2168 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)59The Maison du Diabète is the informational and educational service of the Luxembourg Diabetes Association and is conventional with the Ministry of Health (authorisation SANTE 2019/03).Our main objective is to promote or maintain the health and...
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Maison relais Haus vun de Kanner est une structure d'Inter-Actions Asbl. Notre ojectif principal est de donner aux enfants un lieu convivial afin de renforcer la solidarité, coopération et la vie...