Public utility in Luxembourg-City
en 59ms-
Laboratoires Ketterthill - your healthcare partner For over 70 years, Laboratoires Ketterthill has been the preferred healthcare partner for medical biology analyses in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our medical expertise extends to 7...
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Laboratoires Ketterthill - your healthcare partner For over 70 years, Laboratoires Ketterthill has been the preferred healthcare partner for medical biology analyses in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our medical expertise extends to 7...
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Laboratoires Ketterthill - your healthcare partner For over 70 years, Laboratoires Ketterthill has been the preferred healthcare partner for medical biology analyses in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our medical expertise extends to 7...
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Omega 90 offers: Psychological counselling for the seriously or terminally ill, those close to them and the bereaved. Palliative care for terminally ill patients at the palliative care centre Haus Omega in Hamm. Palliative-care training for...
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Since 1998, the Mediation Centre has been a major player in the development of mediation in Luxembourg.The Centre deals with all types of mediation in the context of interpersonal conflicts, and more specifically in:- Family mediation- Civil and...
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AR SERVICES S.A. provides, as professional, quality services. Aimed at individuals, companies and institutional investors, our service offer includes: domiciliation or office rental services, management and administration services, corporate and...
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Laboratoires Ketterthill - your healthcare partner For over 70 years, Laboratoires Ketterthill has been the preferred healthcare partner for medical biology analyses in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our medical expertise extends to 7...
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Focus Chambre des salariés - CSLThe Chamber represents the interests of its more than 430,000 adherents, i.e. all employees, retirees who receive a pension as former wage earners, as well as apprentices. The Chamber is associated with the legislative...
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OGBL Service Information, Conseil et Assistance
31 Rue du Fort Neipperg L-2230 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)69We help you if you have a problem or question related to Social Security, concerning• a decision of the National Health Fund;• an inability for your last job (reclassification)• a pension application;• a work or path accident;• your rights and...
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POST Telecom vous offre une gamme complète de services. Avec BAMBOO, vous profitez de la meilleure expérience pour la maison : Télévision, Internet et Téléphonie Fixe. Nos abonnements mobiles SCOUBIDO vous offrent des forfaits et des appareils...
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The firm's lawyers advise and intervene in the country’s various courts, as well as in European courts present in the country.The firm was created in 1995 by Michel Karp, attorney at law, registered at the Luxembourg bar since 1986, and Joëlle...
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The Association d'assurance accident (AAA) is a public institution responsible for the prevention of and compensation for work-related accidents, commuting accidents and occupational diseases. Created by the legislator in 1901, the AAA is placed...
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Inter-Actions asbl a été fondée en 1979 et son objectif est d’améliorer les conditions de vie des personnes socialement défavorisées. Inter-Actions est une Organisation non gouvernamentale qui : - est active dans le domaine du...
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POST Philately émet les timbres, gère les commandes philatéliques et détient les stocks de timbres du Luxembourg.Le guichet philatélique situé dans le quartier de la Cloche d’Or, propose à tous les clients (particuliers, professionnels,...
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DINAMIK has a rich history that spans several decades, marked by evolution, challenges, and strategic transformations. Over the years, we have undergone significant changes and developments, ultimately shaping us into the specialist alternative...
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Maison relais Haus vun de Kanner est une structure d'Inter-Actions Asbl. Notre ojectif principal est de donner aux enfants un lieu convivial afin de renforcer la solidarité, coopération et la vie...
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The National Library collects, catalogues and preserves all analogue and digital publications published in Luxembourg and any works published abroad that relate to the Grand Duchy. It is the country’s leading academic, research and cultural...
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Le Centre de relaxation aquatique "Badanstalt" situé à Luxembourg comprend :un bassin de natation avec whirlpools et jet d'eaudeux cabines saunaun bain turc et un solariumdes plages de reposune salle de fitnessdes bains-douches et baignoiresPlus...
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Solina Solidarité Jeunes Asbl - Péitrusshaus
43 Boulevard de la Pétrusse L-2320 Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg)79Accueil 24h/24h Le Refuge Péitrusshaus a une capacité d’accueil pour 12 jeunes; filles et garçons. L’équipe de l’accueil peut prendre en charge un jeune 24h/24h et 7j/7j. L’hébergement se fait sur base volontaire en accord avec le jeune et son...
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Notre maison des jeunes est un lieu de rencontre et d’activités ouvert à tous les jeunes de 12 à 26 ans. Nous sommes un acteur social dans les quartiers Nord de la Ville de Luxembourg (Eich, Mühlenbach, Weimerskirch, Dommeldange).Notre équipe...