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          Lycée Guillaume Kroll

          Secondary schools 32 Rue Henri Koch L-4354 Esch-sur-Alzette (Esch-Uelzecht)
          See the number 55 95 45-1 Getting There Website Contact

          About Lycée Guillaume Kroll

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          LGK: completely focused on innovation

          Future Hub

          The Lycée Guillaume Kroll (LGK) is one of three highschools in Luxembourg awarded the Future Hub label by the Ministry of National Education. This label of excellence highlights the school's endeavor to open up to technologies and aim for innovative learning, in sciences in general and computer science in particular. As for the other Future Hubs, the LGK offers a whole range of scientific and technological courses and programs.

          In addition to traditional training in the computer science field (qualified computer scientist, computer technician, computer science section of the general technical division), the LGK offers since September 2017 a new section of classical secondary education: the "Section I" (Computer Science and Communication), strive at training future students with excellent scientific knowledge coupled with a broad general culture and high-level multilingualism. This offer is completed by three higher education programs: BTS Communication technologies, BTS Cloud computing, and BTS Cybersecurity. These programs allow young adults to improve their secondary education and access the job market more easily in rapidly expanding sectors.

          The LGK has been offering iPad classes since 2017. In these classes, the emphasis is set on the development of the students' media skills as well as the development of their digital analysis and understanding abilities.

          The LGK strives to use the progress of the digital era to enhance the quality of education and facilitate learning.

          Striving for excellence

          The excellence targeted - and recognized in the technological field by the award of the Future Hub label - is an objective that prevails at the LGK far beyond this field. Thus, our school encourages good students not to settle for valid results but to give their best to strive for excellence. As a result, the best students in lower classes of general secondary education (ESG) can enter classical secondary education (ESC) without having to change school. There is an excellent working atmosphere in these classes, and the high success rate shows that confident young people can meet the expectations placed on them.

          Priorities of our school development

          With the reform of the law on the organization of high schools, school development becomes a process that fits into a clearly defined approach: developed by the School Development Unit (CDS) of the school in collaboration with the Education Council, the School Development Plan (PDS) sets the school's priorities for a period of 3 school years, based on an analysis of needs of our school population. Defined after a broad consultation with all the members of the school community, the LGK School Development Plan focuses primarily on the following objectives: preparing the school community for the requirements of the digital world, the well-being of the entire school community, and raising awareness among the school community of the challenges of sustainable development.

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