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          Pharmacie de Soleuvre - Stéphane Dupont

          Pharmacy 2 Rue Emile Mayrisch L-4470 Soleuvre (Zolwer)
          See the number 26 58 11 58 Getting There Website Bandagisterie Transmettre votre ordonnance

          About Pharmacie de Soleuvre - Stéphane Dupont

          • Disabled access
          • Parking
          • Ramp access

          The Pharmacie de Soleuvre welcomes you from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 6:30 PM. Also open on Saturdays, only during on-call duty.

          Helpful and smiling, Stéphane Dupont and his team are your daily health partners.

          In addition to dispensing medications with or without a prescription, we offer a wide range of dermatology products (for face and body), beauty and hygiene products, sun care products, dietary supplements, phytotherapy products, baby accessories and care, etc.

          You can place an order for your medications via email by sending your prescription as an attachment.

          For further information, please contact us by phone.

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