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Luxembourg reverse directory

How do I find out who owns a phone number?

You received a call but you don't know who owns the phone number. Surely you want to know the identity of the caller: an individual? A company ?

Reverse search, to find out who owns a phone number!

The reverse directory is a free online service offered in Luxembourg by Editus.lu. This service allows you to search for a telephone number to find the identity of the owner of the telephone line, individual or professional.
Enter the line number of the landline or mobile phone in the search bar and you can find the surname / first name and address of the person or professional who called you. If the number corresponds to a company, you will find additional detail such as administrative and financial information, type of activity, opening hours, website, Facebook page (or other social network), as well as information about managers. You can also contact the company directly from the contact form on the professional's file.

Why can't I find the owner of a number?

In some cases, the search may returns no results and the owner of the phone number may not be visible. The owners of the telephone lines can, if they wish, choose not to publish their line number in the directories via the operator (registration on the red list). It is also possible that the number sought is an internal number of a company or that the operator has undertaken not to provide information on this number.

Protection of your personal data

The information presented on Editus.lu comes from telephone operators in compliance with the regulation framework. If you do not wish to be found via this directory service, you must contact your landline or mobile operator.