Nature is not only inviting us in our garden, but also in professional spheres. In addition to their aesthetic appearance, plants are a natural stress reliever to improve well-being at work and represent a worthwhile investment. Cherry on the cake : new creative interior design solutions are blooming to allow you to imagine a vegetal ambiance that perfectly matches your needs and your image.
The work environment affects the employees, and the benefits of a little greenery in the companies are no longer to prove. Enjoying a few square meters of nature is always beneficial for employees and would even help reduce absenteeism and increase productivity. The return on investment is both human, financial and environmental, so you win on all fronts!
Formerly perceived as a superfluous luxury, plants are today firmly part of the (um) world of the professional world. Planting your business allows you to open it on the outside and oxygenate it, in every sense of the word, to bring a breath of fresh air.
Installed on offices or in the middle of open spaces, plants will find their place everywhere to bring a new dimension to living spaces and welcome visitors in a warm atmosphere. Finished the banal and moribund potted ficus that vegetates in a corner, forgotten by all.
Interior designers and landscape designers have redoubled their inventiveness to create abundant gardens and to create real sculptures thanks to the latest generation of installations and new architectural concepts, like the biophilic design that advocates the integration of natural elements in office life to reduce stress.
Combined with sound effects that mimic the sounds of nature, optimized lighting systems and wooden furniture that will bring harmony to the ensemble, indoor plants become real living tableaux with refined staging.
Small space or too much floor space? Vegetation also plays on verticality and frees itself from traditional containers to invest more amazing media: roofs or ceilings completely covered, floral walls for elegance, green walls ... Operated in the form of intelligent dividing walls, the plants will physically and visually segment the space and soften the decor while allowing the light to filter.
Do not be afraid to leave the frame with plant paintings that will brighten dull meeting rooms or impersonal corridors. In the lobby, an entire wall panel lined with natural plants, or stabilized for minimal maintenance, will produce its small effect and will, thanks to its acoustic power, also stifle ambient noise to reduce nuisance sound.