Some of your employees in your company speak a foreign language fluently. So naturally, as a company manager, you think of them for the translation of all your administrative and commercial exchanges, as well as that of the cards. Nevertheless, it must be known that the profession of translator is a profession in its own right that professionals practice in respecting the spelling and grammar of other foreign languages. To ignore a translator whose job it is is therefore a major mistake that could harm the image of your company.
He has a thorough knowledge of one, two or three languages. He speaks them and understands them as if they were his mother tongues: very often, one of them is very often. It should be known that the profession of translation takes place at least after 5 years of higher education, ie with a master's degree. We can easily admit that being a translator can not be improvised.
Then, some translators specialize more particularly in one or more fields (technical, medical, commercial, ...) and follow a school of international marketing or engineer, or a course in international law. At this point, it can be said that the translator is a true expert in the knowledge of foreign languages. In addition to its accuracy, the translator must be extremely rigorous, enduring. No error can be possible during a translation.
Your letters, technical files, product sheets, etc. must be translated to perfection. Grammar, spelling, and all expressions must imperatively respect your request.
By using a professional translator , you do not take any risk. On the contrary, you value the image of your company by offering translated documents in full . Your foreign counterparts will definitely notice the work of a professional and the effort you have made to speak their language perfectly!
Aside from translating technical documents, you may need your translator to make a call to deal with a specific request from your foreign caller. Your translator may also have to attend a meeting, a conference, or a seminar, and speak on your behalf.
In the case of simultaneous translation, the professional translator will answer the different questions immediately. He will know how to use cultural and linguistic keys naturally , in order to convey your ideas. With him, you will be assured that in case of simultaneous translation, he will be up to it.
By using a professional interpreter , you will be assured that the latter respects him. He is also bound to professional secrecy . This means that everything that passes in his hands will be kept secret. This secret covers all the documents, but also all the conversations you have with your translator.
Of all the languages that translators have mastered, one of them is usually their mother tongue. The professional translator will therefore have the task of transposing many documents to this one. The latter is, of course, the secret of a translation to the letter. The professional translator knows the habits and customs of his mother tongue, and will not make any mistakes of language .
Your foreign contacts will recognize their native language through their words and accent, and will appreciate your company even more! In addition, hiring a translator whose mother tongue it is will ensure a spelling, grammar and syntax impeccable. He will respect the substance and the form of all your documents and will offer you a professionalism which you will not be able to do without!
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