Working in the Grand Duchy can lead to opening an account in a bank located in Luxembourg , in order to collect his salary. But is it really necessary? Editus.lu provides you with answer elements.
First of all, be aware that it is not imperative to have a bank account in the country where you work . You can have your salary paid into an account in your home country.
Moreover, your Grand-Ducal employer can not force you to open an account in the country . However, this condition is only valid for anyone residing in a euro area country and if, of course, it has a bank account.
Paying your monthly salary outside Luxembourg is no more costly for your employer as there are no additional costs.
On the other hand, if you are a worker living in a country outside the euro zone, your employer may require you to open an account in the Grand Duchy . For that, he must be able to prove that the payment of your salary is costing him dearly.
Nevertheless, be aware that many banks located in Luxembourg offer benefits and services dedicated to workers and border workers wishing to open an account in the Grand Duchy. It's up to you, then, to make a comparison between the offers offered by the banks, and what you need.