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          Vampire lift: rejuvenate thanks to his blood

          Vampire Lift in Luxembourg

          Ultra popular across the Atlantic, the vampire lift (vampire facelift, in French) arrives in Luxembourg! If the name of this blood-based rejuvenation technique can scare you away, it is likely to attract more and more followers ... We explain why!

          How is the session?

          The doctor takes a blood sample from a special PRP (platelet rich plasma) tube and is centrifuged in front of you to get the plasma and platelets. Then, thanks to the technique of mesotherapy, the PRP will be injected into the dermis at the level of your fibroblasts to activate their production of elastic fibers. The whole procedure is done with single-use sterile medical kits and a doctor with a degree in mesotherapy.

          Depending on your specific needs, the treated areas will be the face, the neck, the décolleté, the top of the hands, the dark circles, the temples, the eyebrows, or even the scalp . To potentiate the effects, it is advisable to end the session with a session of LEDs, which brings energy to the cells and stimulates them.

          The procedure has proven its regenerative properties for a long time in sports medicine, rheumatology, maxillofacial surgery and skin grafts.

          Visible results in the long term

          In the month following the first session, the skin regenerates by improving its texture, its hydration, its elasticity.
          The long-term stimulation and prevention protocol ideally recommends performing three sessions at one-month intervals , then one to four plasma-lifts per year, depending on your needs (age, hormonal status, oxidation).

          Act in prevention  

          In fact, the vampire-lift is rather bad name because it is in no way a facelift: it can be considered more like a boost for tired cells . Therefore, the first injections can be started around the age of 30, when the skin slowly begins to relax.

          In addition, treatment with PRP has great results on hair loss , stimulating regrowth, and limiting the fall. Vampires have so beautiful hair!

          A medical consultation will bring you all the necessary information to reassure on this technique softer than its name, for a real rejuvenation ...