A screen that remains black, a keyboard that no longer works, lost data, ... Helpless in front of your computer, you wonder how to handle the situation? Editus.lu tries to point you!
Save as much as needed
In order to limit the problems if your computer were to give up, never forget to save your data, especially if they are important. Ditto for photos and videos , it would be a shame to lose precious memories. So regularly, remember to save on an external hard drive all the important things on the hard drive of your machine.
Attention to downloads
When you download programs, files or an episode of your favorite series, it is possible that dangerous software will be installed at the same time on your computer, and compromise its functioning. So be careful when you download something, especially if it's free .
Pay attention to the warning signs
If you notice that your computer is stowing more and more, that it is lighting up less and less, etc., it may be damaged. Do not hesitate to give him a control visit with a computer professional to make sure there is nothing serious.
In case of breakdown, I check what?
Before running to a repairer, and thus avoid having to pay money, follow the instructions below :
Check that the power outlet is properly connected. While this may seem silly, it is better to take a look at it for granted.
If you have a desktop computer, remove the side panel from the tower and dust it gently.
If you have a laptop , check the transformer. If it's hot, that's what it works. On the other hand, if it is cold, do not look any more, it is it which is at the origin of the breakdown.
If you are in possession of a desktop computer, does the power supply fan make any noise? If not, it is more than likely that it is broken.
If your computer makes noise while booting, but nothing is displayed on the screen, it is more than likely down.
Operate the guarantee
If your computer is still under warranty, take advantage of it and contact the concerned after-sales service. Attention, nevertheless, to well check the conditions of guarantee : a flaw in the operating system is rarely supported, just like, sometimes, some parts of the computer.
Replace your computer
If the cost of the repair is high, and your computer is already young, look at whether it is wiser to invest directly in a new machine . It's an investment, but repairing a breakdown can sometimes cost an arm .