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          10 good reasons to eat chocolate

          pourquoi il faut manger du chocolat

          Difficult, sometimes, to resist the call of chocolate! If consumed with excess, it is not good for the line, it nevertheless has many virtues. For you, Editus has listed 10!

          Full of minerals

          Dark chocolate is a source of magnesium , potassium , iron and zinc .

          If your diet is varied, eating a piece of chocolate each day can not hurt you. Better, it even promotes your food balance.

          Stay young

          Chocolate has antioxidant properties, thanks to the catechins that compose it.

          These allow the cells to renew themselves, and thus fight against the appearance of wrinkles .

          Antioxidants also help your brain stay alert and attentive.

          A glowing skin

          If chocolate helps slow down the signs of aging, it also helps to take care of your skin by nourishing it : if it is irritated or dehydrated, it is therefore advisable to use it to fight against aggression.   

          Have beautiful hair

          The cocoa beans can restore radiance to damaged hair .

          Lower bad cholesterol

          The flavonoids contained in dark chocolate will help you reduce it and, thus, protect you from cardiovascular diseases .

          Reduce the risk of heart attack

          According to one study, regularly crunching a square of chocolate could reduce by nearly 50% the risk of myocardial infarction .

          Give energy

          With theobromine it contains, chocolate gives you vitality and a boost of energy, since it acts like caffeine. Do not hesitate to consume a piece if you have a blow of fatigue.

          An anti-stress and an anti-depressant

          If you are anxious or depressed, the magnesium, theobromine and serotonin present in cocoa will help you fight against stress, but also boost your morale .

          Solid bones

          In addition to the calcium and phosphorus found in other foods you eat, the magnesium found in beans helps to fix calcium on your bones and teeth , improving their strength.

          To remedy bloating

          Chocolate, thanks to its diuretic properties, will help to reduce the digestive disorders .