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          12 essential utensils to own in your kitchen

          ustensiles de cuisine de base

          Cooking is above all a story of passion, discovery, creation, envy too; it's the art of tying flavors and textures to create a tasty and unforgettable culinary experience on the palate. At any age, it is pleasant to compose one's meal and to give it body. But before you start, make sure you have all the tools necessary for the success of each of your recipes. These objects, much more than gadgets, are there to make things easier for you. You will enjoy cooking more. If, if, it is possible, try!

          The balance

          If it is possible to keep a little room for improvisation when cooking, precision remains important. In pastry in particular, the portions must be respected with rigor, under penalty of seeing a cake collapse at the time of the service. Even if the vintage models are aesthetically interesting, it is still recommended to opt for a digital food scale, this for the sake of precision. These will show you weight to the nearest gram, even for tiny amounts.


          Choose several models of different sizes and shapes. As a priority, you will need a sharp knife with a very thin blade, as well as a serrated knife. There are designer blocks in the market that contain an assortment of knives for the kitchen : the investment is not superfluous.

          The cutting board

          Its use primarily protects your table and your work plan when you cut your ingredients. Be careful however to the chosen material: indeed, the wood is pretty, but difficult to clean, and the bacteria grow quickly.

          The spatulas

          You probably use a spoon for many applications, but a spatula is often more recommended because its shape helps you to scrape the bottom of a container without damaging it. With this utensil, you will also incorporate the egg white mounted in snow with delicacy. They are therefore indispensable in a kitchen.

          Pots and pans

          The most common mistake is to under-equip yourself. Most often, we opt for cheap products. Alas, it is a bad approach because a pan or a stove first price will deteriorate and does not guarantee a good cooking food. Better to invest a minimum in order to cook in good conditions. Likewise, it is not uncommon to run out of containers. So be sure to choose a sufficient number of stoves and pans, while taking care to opt for various sizes.


          This is the essential kitchen utensil! With it, you will simply be able to simmer gently dishes for hours without it clings to the bottom.

          The dishes

          You will always need it in your kitchen: sometimes to prepare, sometimes to reserve, sometimes to serve. Take the time to choose them well. Like pots, it takes many shapes and sizes.

          The mixer

          At first glance, it is a basic accessory but think and you will quickly see that it will quickly become your best assistant. You will very often need it, especially in winter, to prepare various soups and soups but also pancake batter!

          The garlic press

          Garlic is at the heart of so many recipes that you really need this little practical utensil! With a garlic press, you will avoid having your hands brushed, and save a considerable time.


          It exists in many different shapes and sizes and for good reason: it will be used to pass the milk which has overheated and which is endowed on the surface with a small undesirable skin. It is also essential when preparing a dish of dough. In short, you need a colander in your kitchen, preferably in stainless steel.

          The opener

          Manual or electric, it will open for you in the blink of an eye all your canned food that does not have an easy opening.

          The electric mixer

          At the moment, no need to spend a lot of time beating your preparations. You will greatly facilitate things by opting for an electric mixer. The latter provides precision work and dispenses lump free preparations in just a few moments.

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