You already imagine sitting on a lounger at the edge of your pool, enjoying the sun and calm with your favorite book, a drink in hand and ... your neighbor who is watching you. What to spoil this perfect moment. To protect you from all the inconveniences related to the opposite and to preserve your intimacy, many solutions exist. Here is a tour of the most practical but also the most aesthetic.
Certainly not the least expensive solution but one of the most effective. Thanks to its height, the aluminum fence prevents your neighbors from putting their nose in your business. You can choose its height and width and harmonize with your portal. This material is also very durable, enough to ensure peaceful days for a long time.
Only downside, the gray of this fence is not very warm and may get bored. To choose a more cheerful color, it will be necessary to put the hand to the wallet.
If you are in a hurry and not very interested in aesthetics, go for PVC palisade. Very quick to install, just add blackout slats and your screen is ready to play its role.
The set withstands weather and weather well thanks to a fastening system. If your slats are damaged, know that it is almost impossible to find other slats to replace them: each manufacturer offers specific and one size fits all. You can also opt for another material, such as polyester.
If you want to enjoy the sun on your terrace without being seen, the wooden panels with adjustable blades are made for you!
The possibilities are numerous. Used as a classic wooden panel when closed, it totally isolates from prying eyes.
It also allows you to take advantage of the light when its blades are tilted and lets the rays pass entirely when its blades are horizontal. Attention, only the upper part of the panel is mobile. The lower part is fixed, which slightly reduces the brightness.
For small purses, the natural canisses is the system solution D. Economical, they can be placed anywhere in your garden and protect not only looks but also wind. For an even wilder touch, you can opt for bamboo or pine bark. This type of bamboo palisade, less imposing than a palisade in a classic wood, avoids enclosing your garden and suffocating it, while offering a touch of exoticism.
To make your outside less linear, you are free to create different levels. The natural canisses, however, have their limits: in case of gusts they will not last long because of their lightness. Often, the top of the canisses is spaced, unlike the bottom, which still leaves too easily the eyes of curious neighbors.
Alone, the wooden lattice will obviously not prevent your neighbors to spy on you. It serves more decorative element. Associated with a curtain, a screen-screening or even plants, it will offer you however the tranquility you are looking for. This solution obviously helps to make your imagination work: a little paint, inclined blades or straight, a little greenery and voila. Your personalized privacy screen will add character to your garden or terrace.
More aesthetic than practical solution, the shade sail installs very easily and allows to protect from the sun and the indiscreet neighborhood. To extend the protected area, it is better to combine several sails, especially in the yards of buildings. However, be sure to install these sails high enough to enjoy the sun. The atmosphere given to this corner of relaxation also depends on the chosen color.
Because of its fragility, the use of the shade sail is rather indicated when the sun is at the rendezvous. In case of rain, the fabric gets dirty and this solution loses all its charm. To play on the shadows and lights, you can install vertical sheers around your deck or porch. Opt for warm colors that will catch the sun's rays and move with the wind.
If you want more privacy for your terrace or porch, install side blinds that will protect you from the neighborhood but also from the sun. Easy to use, like a classic blind, they can also be placed in the intermediate position to let just enough light. These systems adapt to all types of places. Electric models of side blinds also exist but have a higher cost.
If you are among those who find ivy invading, here is good news! Ivy can also keep you out of sight. This climbing plant will quickly fill the space and allow to isolate your garden from the outside world. Your vis-à-vis is no longer a problem.
However, plan to regularly trim your ivy to maintain a relatively neat exterior. Other plants can replace ivy: jasmine and honeysuckle possess the same virtues and also require very little maintenance. They adapt well indeed to the sun as well as to the semi-shade.
Nature sometimes does things well. If you have a terrace or a pergola, install a wisteria. This climbing plant that blooms easily should delight you and offer you tranquility and freshness while playing on the shadows and lights. You will be able to enjoy the meals outside in a relaxed atmosphere.
Do you want a rather "natural" screen? Use artificial hedges that look like traditional hedges without the inconvenience. Indeed, this type of hedge has no need to be pruned and is not likely to attract insects. They are also very weather resistant. Artificial hedges are available in rolls and can be cut according to your desires. Their height, however, is the main drawback. Generally low (one meter), they will offer you only limited protection. If it is possible to confuse them, from a distance, with a natural hedge, up close, doubt is not allowed. Impossible, unfortunately, to hide the plastic aspect.
If your garden or terrace is small, opt for a green wall. Especially if the surface to be protected is relatively limited. There are all sizes. The plant wall is particularly aesthetic and combines water and plants. Because of its high height, the plant wall is ideal to discourage the most curious. His ability to protect you from outside looks is total. The green wall, however, requires time: it must be watered, pruned and checked for water flow.
Want a touch of exoticism? Surround your small tall grass terrace and a mini-jungle on the ends. Your neighbors will not be able to see what is happening at home. Choose preferably high branches and exotic plants, able to withstand the heat of summer and the cold of winter. Bamboo is a perfect example because of its resistance.
What's more ecological to avoid the intrusion of the neighborhood than to plant new trees? Choose bushy and imposing trees that are likely to clog the smallest space left outside, especially if your garden is large. Install and alternate resistant species on both sides of your garden or terrace, or around your pool, to create a modern and attractive garden.
Advantage, not least, this solution will require little maintenance. By choosing palms and other exotic plants, you will bring a chic and original touch.
You do not have a green thumb? No problem, you can build a wall against the intrusive neighbors. In addition to structuring your exterior, it brings style, elegance and color.
Prefer bright colors to create a contrast with plants. To isolate your garden without feeling oppressed, it is better to have a wall at half height.
The most radical solution, the semi-partitioned garden room offers privacy and comfort. Especially if you do not have a veranda. By the pool, as an extension of your terrace or even away from your home, it allows you to create a cocoon hidden from view and to welcome your guests.
This solution, however, requires money and time. Plan the construction of two high partitions in resistant materials but also a terrace. You are welcome to add a roof to this "outdoor house" to protect you from wind, sun and neighbors. If you decide not to add any, do not forget to store your furniture in case of rain.