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          Financial help to make your renovation or sustainable construction project a success

          Financial help for your real estate project

          If you plan to build or renovate your home, you can qualify for a selection of financial assistance tailored to your project. The climate banking and sustainable housing bonus offer, consisting of climate loans (Klimaprêt), PRIMe House aids and LENOZ certification aims to promote sustainable construction, sustainable energy renovation and the development of renewable energies in the housing sector. .


          The climate loan allows you to pre-finance works for the sustainable renovation of housing with more than 10 years of service. It contributes to the responsible consumption of energy and the preservation of the environment, while allowing a reduction in energy costs as well as an increase in comfort and the market value of your home.
          There are two formulas for Klimaprêt:

          A low-rate climate loan for any natural or legal person who owns a dwelling with a seniority of more than 10 years in Luxembourg, with the following terms and conditions:
          • the loan is limited to € 100,000 over 15 years;
          • a 1.5% subsidy on the bank's interest rate (with a maximum of € 10,000 of interest reimbursed).

          A zero-rate climate loan that aims to further promote sustainable energy renovation and prevent fuel poverty. The conditions to obtain this Klimaprêt at zero rate are:
          • the beneficiaries are natural persons;
          • the loan is subject to an income ceiling based on the household composition set by the Ministry of Housing;
          • there are minimum and maximum limits for the floor area of the dwelling;
          • you must not own or co-own another dwelling;
          • the dwelling must be the main and permanent dwelling for at least 10 years.

          PRIMe Aids House

          PRIMe House grants are intended to support you in the construction of sustainable housing, sustainable energy renovation, or the development of renewable energy sources. In addition to the basic offer, you can benefit from additional helpers: an ecological bonus for the use of renewable materials (according to their ecological indicator) and a dismountable mechanical fixing, a promotion bonus for a complete renovation reaching a thermal insulation class C, B or A, as well as the thorough integration renewable energies in the field of residential heating.


          LENOZ (Lëtzebuerger Nohaltegkeets-Zertifizéierung fir Wunngebaier) is a certification of the sustainability of housing that represents the final assessment of all of your decisions when carrying out your housing project.
          This approach is based on the three pillars of sustainability, namely the preservation of the environment, economic efficiency and fair social organization. The LENOZ certification is designed to guide you through the development and implementation of a project and reflects the level of sustainability ultimately achieved in the following six categories: "Ecology", "Economy", "Society", "Buildings and technical installations", "Functionality" and "Implantation".
          If this certification is optional, you can however benefit from financial assistance for its establishment (€ 1,500 for a single-family house and € 750 for housing in a multi-family building). This aid is intended to encourage the use of this certification system, which aims not only to promote the sustainability of housing, but also contributes to the transparency of the real estate market.


          And for your renovation project or sustainable construction, remember to contact your municipality to find out if additional help is available!

          You can also simulate the state and municipal aid that you can benefit from your project by downloading the free application myrenovation! In a few clicks you can get an idea of the amounts of aid corresponding to your project!
          Available on APP STORE and GOOGLE PLAY.

          myenergy Luxembourg
          Partner for a sustainable energy transition
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