The whiskers of the cat, it's not only for the aesthetic side ... They serve a lot of things, that you may not know!
Called vibrisses, whiskers are the third most important organ in cats . They are longer, thicker and harder hairs than others. They are composed of keratin, an insoluble protein acting as a protection. In vibrios, we find vibration. The whiskers therefore act as motion detectors to help the cat find his way around the space , and to analyze what is around him.
The whiskers of your cat are deeply implanted in an area composed of nerves. This explains their great sensitivity and that your animal react when the small change around him occurs. You should also know that whiskers can become painful if they are dirty or damaged . Check them carefully if your cat is used to going out.
Your cat has between 8 and 12 long mustaches on both sides of his snout. Short ones are located on her chin , her cheeks, above her eyes and on the back of her front legs.
Did you know that your cat's whiskers are as long as your cat is wide ? This allows him to situate himself in the space and to know if he will be able to pass by this or that place. The whiskers act as a detector of variation of the air, specificity which is all the more beneficial to him at night. Indeed, its vibrisses detect the slightest variation of air and will allow your cat to detect obstacles and avoid them.
If your cat is as skilled at hunting, it is certainly not thanks to his eyes. In fact, cats do not see closely and use their whiskers to catch their prey . Their mustaches detect the origin of the smells. They basically use the mustaches of their chin and their hind legs to position themselves well before attacking.
Like all living things, your cat feels and expresses emotions and feelings. These are not only manifested by the position of their tail or their ears. Mustaches are also mood indicators . Mustaches relaxed and on the side? Your cat is serene. They are rather ahead? Something or someone has alerted him. If you notice that your cat's whiskers are literally stuck on his cheeks, he's not happy or scared.
Your cat may lose whiskers during his life but they grow back. This natural phenomenon is not a reason to cut it! As we mentioned above, mustaches are your cat's direction. If you cut them, your pet will be completely confused and confused for a while. And clumsy at the same time, because it will no longer have its bearings.
Like a wind vane on the roof of a house, the whiskers allow your cat to appreciate the speed and direction of the wind . It can position itself in the best way to jump on different media.
Depending on the breed, the whiskers of cats are not the same, while maintaining the same functions. In the majority of cases, they are long and rigid . They are short and curly at Devon Rex and wavy at American Wirehair.
Cats communicate with each other with a language based on different signals that use smell, touch, sight, and hearing. While he will only communicate through meowing with the man, the cat will also use his whiskers to interact with his fellow creatures . A kind of "touch" to convey certain information.
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