Having animals is a wonderful and rewarding experience. Affectionate, players and hugs, they embellish our daily lives. We would also like to take them everywhere with us, even on vacation. If this solution is sometimes possible, it remains, in most cases, difficult to envisage. Then arises the question of the guard of the animal. With this in mind, many options are available to you. We offer you a decoding of the 6 most effective possibilities so that you can make your choice knowingly.
Whether you go on vacation for a few days or weeks, the question of keeping your pet is paramount. Among the solutions, the pension or the animal shelter are known concepts, which have been proven. Professional places of residence, they are often specialized in a type of animal and propose the surveillance, the lodging, the feeding and the daily care of your pets. Subject to strict regulations, they must benefit from professional facilities, apply health rules, and have professional liability insurance. All pensions and all refuges do not offer the same services, we advise you to inquire beforehand.
A luxury solution, new hotels specialized in animals have also emerged. Designed as true hotel complexes , they offer spa, grooming and gym activities with agility games and adapted toys. Some even boast an outdoor video surveillance park.
Another option is foster care, which is often a great warm and friendly solution . Your companion will be welcomed into a family of serious and passionate animals, who will be happy to pamper him during your absence. As in the other cases, several documents are essential for the exercise of the profession including the RCP (professional liability) insurance. In this guard system, the food is usually provided by its master, which allows the animal to find some landmarks. In the same way, you can bring with him his basket or his favorite toy.
If you are worried that your pet will feel confused, you can also opt for a less aggressive solution with home care. In this case, the animal remains in its element and it is a third person who comes to take care of him at home . This option requires, however, to trust strangers to live under your roof. Many websites have specialized in recruiting interested people to facilitate and secure your research. Some have even focused on a niche, that of retirees, who combine the discovery of your area to the pleasure of caring for your pet. A win-win solution.
Another way to leave your pet in your home, home visit is a less intrusive choice. The "pet-sitter" goes to your home but does not settle there . It feeds your pet, provides daily care and a loving presence over a period of time and defined with him.
All these solutions, however, have a relatively high cost that must often be included in your holiday budget. But a new mode of mutual aid is developing and allows to keep his animal free: the exchange between individuals. The principle is simple: After selecting the right person for you, both parties commit each other to keep each other's animals during the holidays . Beyond the financial attractiveness of this option, the objective is to entrust his animals to a person of confidence who will be able to pamper them. The whole being not to take the holidays on the same periods.
Whichever option you choose, we advise you to check the place, meet the person, and make a first attempt before the day of departure to verify that this solution is suitable for your pet . Then you will only be left to enjoy fully and serenely your holidays!