Bath time has sounded for your dog? Editus gives you some tips for washing it efficiently, and make this moment as pleasant as possible!
Before getting your dog into the bathtub, install a rubber mat so that it does not slip when it is in it.
On your side, adopt a comfortable outfit that you can spoil and dirty: your dog may splash you,
The temperature of the water in which your dog will be dipped should vary between 35 and 38 degrees .
No need to fill the bathtub, it must not be above its rump.
Your dog may be frightened by water, especially the sound of flowing water. To get used to it, a few days ago, you can let it flow in his presence, without getting him into the bathtub.
Before installing your dog in the bath, make sure to untangle his hair, it will avoid knots .
The latter tend to form in numbers when the hair of the animal is wet.
Avoid shampoos for humans. They are not suitable for dogs because their pH is less acidic than ours.
So use a shampoo specifically designed for our dog friends . If you do not have one, in troubleshooting, you can use baby shampoo .
If your pet has a real fear of water, you can consider an alternative: the dry dog shampoo .
Once your dog is in the bath, pour water on his head first . Then do the same on the rest of his body.
If your bathtub does not have a shower head, think of system D and take a bucket if you have a big dog, a cup if your pet is small, to pour water .
While shampooing your pet, place your hand on your dog to keep him from moving and putting foam all over the place. Talk to him too, it will reassure him.
Make sure the water and shampoo do not get into your dog's nose on all fours. The same goes for his ears: you can possibly put cotton in there before starting the washing.
Your dog out of the tub, it is necessary to dry it.
If the weather is nice outside, you can let the hair dry outside in the sun.
If this is not the case, use a large dry towel .
You can also use ahair dryer , but check that the air is not too hot to avoid burns.
It is important to limit the baths given to your dog (maximum 3 to 4 baths per year ), as they eliminate the layer of sebum on his skin.
Note that to wash your dog, you can also call a professional sector in Luxembourg!