If it is in September that rings the bell of the return to the schools, that of the crèche rings permanently since toddlers arrive there every week. In a little while, will your child enter? No stress, here are our tracks to better prepare the separation with your baby.
If the nursery you have chosen agrees, put your child first a few hours to start, then a morning for example . The ideal is that this adaptation begins two to three weeks before entering a nursery. This transition, smoothly, will allow him to acclimatize and already know the environment in which he will spend full days soon.
For parents, this adjustment period can be just as complicated as for the child: the first separation is often difficult, you have to learn how to manage your emotions.
To avoid any eventuality, make sure that the nursery staff always has :
To reassure your child, do not forget to bring the crib to the crib . It can also be his favorite toy or a scarf with the familiar smell of dad or mom.
Before leaving your child at the nursery , explain to him, even if he is only a few months old, that you will be back in a few hours. On the other hand, avoid dwelling on him, the goodbye will be all the more difficult . However, it is important not to run away like a thief.
Prepare your child's things the day before so that it is not the race in the morning : this saves you stress, but also to communicate this stress to your little end.
The nursery is a big upheaval for you, because synonymous with returning to a professional activity, but it is even more so for baby: new environment, new faces, new activities , etc. If your child seems to have trouble adapting at the beginning, it's normal, do not panic . Give him time to make his mark, he should adapt perfectly in a few days or weeks.