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          All about family benefits in Luxembourg

          allocations familiales Luxembourg

          Since August 2016, family benefits have been reformed, causing some changes. To find you there, and all you need to know about the granting of family allowances in Luxembourg, Luxembourg makes the point for you in 5 questions.

          Family allowances, what is it?

          This is a financial benefit that is given to households to help them raise their children. The sum awarded is intended to cover the costs related to the maintenance and education of the child until the end of his schooling (or his 25 years if he is still domiciled in his parents).

          Applications for family allowances are made to the Caisse for the Future of Children (CAE) .

          Who is affected by family allowances?

          Children residing legally in Luxembourg, but also those living abroad and one of whose parents is working in the Grand Duchy.

          Family allowances until how old?

          Family allowances are paid from the month of the birth of the child to the age of 18 (the age of majority in Luxembourg).

          This age limit is postponed until the child reaches the age of 25 if he / she is studying (minimum of 24 hours per week), if he / she is attending a differentiated school, or if he / she is in school. apprenticeship and that his remuneration is lower than the minimum social wage.

          Note that adult children pursuing studies through distance education or evening classes are not entitled to family allowances.

          What steps to obtain family allowances?

          If the child is over the age of 18, he must also submit to the EAC, at each school year, a school certificate issued by his school.

          What amount?

          Since 1 August 2016, the monthly family allowance is fixed at 265 euros per child. This sum is increased by 20 euros when the child reaches the age of 6 years; and 50 euros when the child turns 12 years old.

          Number of children

          Amount before 31/08/16

          Amount after 31/08/16

          1 child

          265 € 

          265 € 

          2 children

          594.48 € 

          530 € 

          3 children

          1033.38 € 

          795 € 

          4 children

          1472.08 € 

          1.060 € 

          5 children

          1910.80 € 

          1.325 € 

          6 children

          2349.48 € 

          1.590 € 

          7 children

          2788.17 € 

          1.855 € 

          8 children

          3226.88 € 

          2.120 € 


          For children born before 1 August 2016 and whose household is composed of at least two children, the old family allowance amount and the bonus does not change.

          For non-residents, the amount of the family allowance varies according to the amount received in the country of residence