The back-to-school allowance helps parents to pay school fees for children from the age of 6. It is intended for residents, but also for border workers. We tell you more!
Before the 2016 reform, the amount paid increased proportionally to the number of children in your household. From now on, it is a unique amount that is allocated to each child, according to his age. Thus, it is 115 euros for those aged between 6 and 11 years ; and 235 euros for those aged 12 and over .
These benefits are paid by the Caisse for the Future of Children (CAE), and paid automatically in August, without any request must be made beforehand, at the same time as the family allowances of July.
Note that this allowance is awarded until the end of schooling of the child, or until his 25 years completed.
If both parents of the child are working in the Grand Duchy , the allowance will be paid in full by Luxembourg.
On the other hand, if one of the parents is active in his country of residence , or receives unemployment benefits, he will pay the allowance. If the amount of the payment is lower than that granted by Luxembourg, the latter will pay the difference.
For families who are affected by the Luxembourg differential supplement payment, the amount is paid during the month of January of the following year.