In the Grand Duchy, basic education is compulsory from the age of 4 and lasts 9 years.
It is divided into 4 cycles:
It includes 4 years. First, the early education , which lasts 1 year. Aimed at 3 year olds , this year is optional . It takes place in a school in the town where your toddler lives, but can also be done in a private school.
If he has not reached the age of 3 by September 1 st of the year, he can join this transition year between the nursery or home and compulsory school en route (if there are still places available) .
As mentioned above, this year is not mandatory but when it is done, it ensures the child to have a place in the school of his municipality.
Cycle 1 then continues with the extracurricular education : it is mandatory , and takes place over two years . During these, the focus is particularly on learning Luxembourgish.
Each little blonde head is automatically registered in the school of his commune of residence , closest to his home.
If on the 15th of April, a few months before the first school year, you have not received any mail from your municipal administration, you are obliged to contact her (the "teaching" service): all parents or legal guardians must have registered their toddler 3 months (last limit) before back to school.
For one reason or another, if you decide to send your child to a private school , it is imperative that you notify your municipal administration via a written request, and give them a certificate of registration proving their schooling in another place.
Know that there are two types of private institutions: those with a similar educational structure to the public, and those with their own system of assessment and certification. This is the case of international schools and the Waldorf School.
This is primary education, which takes place between the 6 and 12 years of the child . More specifically, each cycle extends over 2 years:
During primary education, literacy will take place in German . The French will be taught from the 5th quarter in the second cycle.
Just like Cycle 1, the child can join a public or private school . Note that in most cases, your offspring can follow their 9 years of training in the same establishment.