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          Childcare: all about the mini-nursery

          Luxembourg mini-crèche

          (Photo: © Shutterstock)

          FEB 18. 2019

          Waiting lists as long as the arm, inflexible hours, distance ... Successfully finding a host institution for his child sometimes falls for the parents of the obstacle course! While the Grand-Ducal Regulation introducing the possibility of opening mini-nurseries in Luxembourg entered into force at the beginning of the year, questions and answers about these structures of a new kind, halfway between traditional guard and assistant parental.

          A mini-crib, what is it exactly?

          Intermediate alternative between individual and collective, the mini-crib isa new concept of care that operates as a traditional establishment, with the difference that it includes a maximum of 11 children can be accommodated simultaneously including at plus 4 babies under one year old. This mode of operation on a human scale allows a quality reception service and individualized care of the child.

          Thought as local structures that facilitate both contact with parents and the development of the youngest by proposing a specific educational project, they are intended for children from 0 to 12 years .

          Their opening hours are more flexible and directly related to the daily life of the parents, since supervision is flexible and can be extended from 5am to 11pm. Generally, you can choose to register your child full-time or part-time (morning or afternoon) and decide on the schedule of the week, according to your needs and at your convenience.

          Namely, mini-nurseries are eligible for the Home Childcare Check (CSA) system in similar ways to traditional crèches, with the financial participation of each family being calculated according to parents' income and the number of children enrolled ( learn more by reading our article ).

          What guarantees does it offer?

          Mini-nurseries can be formed in associations or companies, or managed directly by the municipalities. They are essentially subject to the same regulations and obligations as a traditional guarding structure (spacious and secure premises, compliance with hygiene and health standards ...) and benefit from regular quality checks by regional agents.

          Co-management must be provided by two professionals from the socio-educational field, including a graduate or educator , which is a prerequisite for their authorization to open.

          What benefits for children?

          Mini crèches favor the family approach by offering children the possibility of evolving in an environment on their scale. They set up socio-educational activities adapted to the rhythm of each one, generally carried out in small groups, in order to promote the awakening and the development of the personality and the centers of interest. They also have the role of learning socialization and autonomy before entering kindergarten.

          In Luxembourg, mini-crèches are able to apply the plurilingual education program for children from 1 to 4 years, which allows for the joint learning of Luxembourgish and French. Parents who choose to join this device benefit from 20 hours of free supervision a week, at a rate of 46 weeks per year.

          How to choose your mini-crib?

          The registration file varies from one nursery to another, each structure adopting its own mode of operation and setting its admission conditions. Get in touch with your favorite establishment and find out all the practical details.

          Make your selection according to the geographical proximity with your home or your workplace, but also the conditions of reception (frame, decoration, activities, canteen ...) and your affinities with the supervising staff. Do not hesitate to go around the owner: the choice involving patience, do not rush.

          Make your estimate and find the nursery that suits you on Editus!

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