In a few days, Saint-Nicolas will come to deposit gifts andconfectionery to the wise children. What to expect with them to make this wait a festive period? We deliver you some tracks to perpetuate the tradition in your home and to avoid the wrath of the Father Whipper!
1. Writing the letter
Saint-Nicolas is not diviner and, to guide him in the choice of the desired gifts, it is important to send him a letter.
If the older ones use their best writing to formulate their wishes, the youngest can make a collage from images cut from toy catalogs.
2. The shoes at the foot of the fireplace
Before the passing of the patron saint, children place a pair of shoes at the foot of the fireplace or the front door, as well as a glass of wine or milk to warm it and a carrot or a piece of sugar to soften his faithful donkey.
If they have been wise and obedient, they will be rewarded with some treats : formerly dried fruits, apples or oranges, today sweets, cupcakes and gingerbread. Conversely, if they were turbulent, they are twigs they will discover when they wake up!
3. The meeting with Saint-Nicolas
Like a singer on tour, Saint-Nicolas goes to meet his audience in the days leading up to December 6th. Supermarkets, toy stores, walks in the streets, visits to schools ... The big Saint does not spare his efforts to meet the maximum number of children.
For the latter, it is an opportunity to greet him, but also to remind him of the desired gifts. And to go home with a nice souvenir photo!
4. Saint-Nicolas passes in advance
This year, the passage of the child protector officially falls on a Tuesday. However, for the sake of organization, and so that they can enjoy their gifts, St. Nicholas can exceptionally visit the houses before the night of December 5 to 6.
5. Manual work to enliven the day
Upstream, make a candle in a duet that your child will enjoy bringing in parades.
After the discovery of the presents, you can invite your friends for a big snack or plan an extra activity with your little ones: humming songs, attending a puppet show or magic, making crafts , playing board games, cooking with your family ... or even thinking about Christmas, and draw a pretty greeting card or install your tree!
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Read also :
> Saint Nicholas and the tradition of the Boxemännchen
Updated November 28, 2018.