Chipped varnish, broken nails, ...: Do you think a manicure is mission impossible? Think again ! To take care of your nails, just follow a few simple tips. Take your hands out of your pockets and get ready to sublimate your nails like never before thanks to all our tips. We have concocted a manicure guide specially for you!
Do you have the bad habit of cutting your nails? Fatal mistake, your nails need sweetness and delicacy. For strong nails and ideal shape, so we prefer the nail file nail cutter. By always filing in the same direction to avoid splitting your nails, you will get a neat and precise result. You can choose the nail shape that suits your hands perfectly: oval for small and thin hands, square for large and strong hands and square rounded for all hands.
Small dead skin and cuticles can give your nails a nasty look. Feel free to moisturize your hands daily with a cream specifically designed for them. For an impeccable appearance, the use of a cuticle care oil is also recommended. A pose of only a few minutes is enough to soften the cuticles of your nails and allow you to push them gently with the help of a stick. Again, we do not cut, we use the sweet way! Indeed, cut cuticles tend to grow back twice as fast!
Are you putting your hands to the test? In case of broken nail, solutions exist to repair the damage and keep a manicure at the top. To avoid cutting the broken or cracked nail, you can use a nail glue. Apply a little on the surface of the broken nail and put a small piece of paper towel over it. If necessary, use a pair of scissors to cut any excess scraps of paper. Add glue over the paper and spread carefully. Finally, when the glue is dry, polish the surface and apply a layer of hardener on the assembly then a layer of transparent top coat. Wait a few hours before applying your nail polish.
Your nails have an annoying tendency to turn yellow? To protect them effectively from yellowing, nothing like applying a transparent base on your nails. In addition to having white nails, this base can take care of them in many ways. Some models durably strengthen the nails, others allow to accelerate their growth, others still have a particularly effective whitening effect. Choose the base that contains assets that meet the specific needs of your nails.
Get acquainted with a new and very useful beauty accessory: the polisher. This little special manicure item allows you to polish your nails in seconds. Thus, by erasing all the asperities present on your nails, you make them instantly brighter. If you then decide to apply polish to add a little fancy or a touch of glamor to your nails, the shine option is still possible. For that, it is enough to finish your laying of varnish by the application of a top coat. It protects your varnish and gives it maximum shine.
Your nail polish always ends up peeling a day only after its application? To achieve an effective and durable nail polish, some simple tips exist. No need to put tons, a reasonable application and properly performed enough. To do this, be sure to wipe the varnish brush on the neck of the bottle to prevent it from being overloaded. Then, begin your application with a first band in the center of the nail and then complete on the sides. Relax and let the first coat of varnish dry. Once the latter dries, imperatively apply a second coat so that your pose lasts in time. Another advantage, this second application allows you to make the color of your varnish more intense and more opaque. No more brush strokes and dull and palot varnish, instead of a chic and trendy manicure!
For a perfect and tailor-made manicure, a visit to the beauty salon remains a must. In addition to sublimate your nails, a professional allows you to benefit from a relaxing and personalized treatment. Hand massage with moisturizing cream, full color panel, nail art, ...: enjoy this special moment to pamper yourself to the tips of your nails!