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          15 tips for sleeping well

          comment réussir à dormir

          If your sleep is often disturbed, and you spend bad nights, read on ... Editus gives you 15 tips to sleep well!

          No exciting after 15h

          Avoid cups of tea and coffee from the middle of the afternoon, as sodas and vitamin C drinks.

          Avoid alcohol

          While drinking alcohol can promote sleep, it makes it very disruptive and encourages snoring.

          Eat lightly

          In the evening, it is better to avoid stuffing yourself and swallowing fried foods and heavy foods. It is advisable to focus on slow carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, pasta), but also dairy products.

          Drink an infusion

          Chamomile, verbena, orange blossom, or lime tree, promote sleep. Thirty minutes before reaching your bed, drink a herbal tea composed of one of its plants. If you do not like herbal teas, you can drink a cup of milk with a teaspoon of honey.

          No to nicotine  

          Nicotine delays sleep and makes sleep lighter. Better to avoid smoking before going to bed.

          Play sports

          By doing regular physical activity, you will see that the quality of your sleep will improve. However, avoid playing sports within two hours of going to bed.

          Wait for the first signs of fatigue

          You do not have to try to fall asleep until you feel tired. On the other hand, once you yawn and your eyelids become heavy, do not wait too long to sleep in your bed.

          Have regular schedules  

          Try to keep up the pace by getting up and going to bed each day at the same time, even over the weekend, so as not to disturb your internal clock.

          A comfortable mattress       

          Mattress too small, not soft enough, etc ... If you are continually turning around, it may be time to invest in new bedding : professionals recommend to change every 10 to 15 years.

          A room at good temperature

          To sleep well, it is ideal that the temperature of your room is 18 degrees. Every day, also think about airing the room by opening the window about twenty minutes.                  

          A room dipped in the dark   

          The room in which you sleep must be in complete darkness, this promotes a better sleep.

          A good hot bath        

          By plunging your body into a bathtub, its temperature will increase and cool slightly when you come out. A process similar to when your brain prepares your body for sleep. A hot bath will help you fall asleep faster, but also enjoy a better sleep.   

          A smell of lavender

          According to several studies, the scent of lavender would make it easier to fall asleep, but also to have a much deeper sleep.

          Avoid thinking

          Once in bed, stop thinking about your day and the tasks you will have to do the next day. If a lot of thoughts cross your mind, you risk going back endlessly before falling asleep.

          No pets in the room

          The place of your dog or cat is not in your bed: his movements, purring and other noises, will make you have a bad night.