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Reading time: 4 min
When temperatures rise, we are not the only ones to suffer from the heat animals are also sensitive to it. To protect them and make sure their health is not endangered, here are our tips to refresh them.
We can think that it is ideal during hot weather, but it is false ! Achieve a "cup of summer", it is useless, especially with a short hair, your faithful companion may catch sunburn much easier.
It is therefore better, to help it to be less hot, to keep its hairs longer, they will help it to regulate its temperature .
By cons, two to three times a day, do not hesitate to brush his coat , so that it breathes.
When you are away during the day, make sure your pet is placed in a cool room : windows must be closed, as well as blinds and curtains.
Several water bowls must be freely available. Fill them to the brim, as their beverages can evaporate as the hours go by during a heat wave.
Avoid leaving a fan on, even if it's tempting, to provide air : accidents happen very quickly.
If he has a few extra pounds, he may suffer more from hot weather: Dehydration is more common, as are respiratory failure.
It is therefore useful to take stock with your veterinarian to see if a possible diet should be considered to avoid these inconveniences.
We always advise people not to go out between 12h and 16h : the same goes for animals. So, if you're used to doing a two-way out on noon time, shift it.
It is advisable to favor walks in the morning or late afternoon, when the air is more breathable. During these, be sure to have a bottle of water with you, to refresh your little protege if you see that it moves with difficulty.
To lower his body temperature after this effort, gently wet his pads .
Even in the shade, a floor covering can burn your pet's pads .
So, before it takes place on the terrace , for example, check the heat of it by putting your palm on the floor for at least 20 seconds. If it is bearable, you can let your companion access it without problem.
Dogs with a flattened muzzle (Pekingese, Shih Tsu, Pug, Boxer, English Bulldog ...) will not tolerate the hot temperatures better than the others, with longer snouts. They breathe easier indeed.
Depending on the breed of your four-legged companion, it's up to you to do everything you can to support the heat as best you can.
If you have to stop to go for a race and your dog is in the car, do not leave it there, even three minutes with the window ajar.
The warmth of the passenger compartment and the sun can harm his health and cause serious neurological problems, even death!
You are in the habit of exclusively feeding your faithful friend with croquettes ? In periods of high heat, choose a moist diet and serve a bowl of pâté.
Composed of 80% water, it is particularly ideal for the cat, who is not a big drinker.
By cons, if your companion refuses to eat and claims his kibble, it is useless to force it.
It's all but ideal for your dog. Moreover, it will not do him any good, you risk especially to make him undergo thermal shock .
Instead, put on a washcloth wet with cold water, and pass it on the body of your little companion.
You can do the same on your cat : Since felines do not sweat much, it is a way to regulate their temperature.
The heatwave is also difficult for the birds, since their body temperature is around 40 degrees. We advise you to place their cage in a cool place , and at a good distance from any source of sun.
Inside the cage, make sure that water is available at all times. To refresh your bird, you can also bring a fogger to sprinkle water (gently and sparingly).
Like birds, the cage of rabbits and guinea pigs must be placed in a place where the sun does not enter. In this one, it is ideal to slip a bottle of fresh water , wrapped in a towel : your pet will be able to stick to it and cool off during the day.
If you notice that your friend has hyperventilation or anxiety, staggered, staring, or high temperature (above 39.5 degrees), contact yourveterinarianpromptlyto make a consultation decision. emergency.
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