When living in an apartment, it is not forbidden to have a cat: he can quite live happily in a small space if you give him everything he needs. In this regard, here are some tips to make him feel good!
Better to adopt your companion while he is still a kitten of 3 months. Because even if he has only 6 when you buy it and he spent his first months in the countryside, he may not get used to his new environment.
Health side, even if he does not go out, make sure it is in order of vaccination , so as not to catch a viral disease. It is also safer to have him identified because even if he does not live outside, he could escape. Also think, if it's a male, to have it sterilized : if you do not do it, it will mark its territory in your interior, which is not pleasant in terms of smells.
Since he does not have the opportunity to put his muzzle out, your cat can quickly get bored. If you are not very present, it may be best to adopt a second cat, so that they can have fun together.
To occupy it, you must invest in small toys , even if you can manage with what you have on hand (cardboard, piece of string, ...) because he can have fun with three times nothing. He must in any case move, at the risk of becoming aggressive or depressed.
Every day, you must in any case provide a moment to share with your little ball of hair to play, but also to cuddle.
Even if your place of life is not big, your cat must still have its own spaces:
Regarding litter, it must be maintained daily, using a small rake. Every week, you have to clean the tank from top to bottom, and change it . Every 6 months, for hygiene at the top, it is normal to buy a new bin.
Your cat will also need to make his claws: for this, and so that it does not damage your furniture, plan a tank tree or a scratching post.
You will also notice that he will like to position himself in height in order to see what is happening around him. Near a window, so install a chair, an armchair or the cat tree: he will be able to settle there and look at the outside world.
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