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          Tips for cleaning your connected devices

          nettoyer appareils

          Computers , smartphone, tablets ... New technologies adorn our daily lives. Whether at work or at home, they have become our allies and accompany us for multiple tasks. You often own and use one of them, if not all at once. However, these devices are far from being equipped with impeccable hygiene. To clean them successfully, here are some tips and advice!

          Smartphones and tablets, stain with germs

          These small devices very friendly, who accompany us throughout the day, get dirty every second. It has been scientifically proven that your phone contains almost 10 times more microbes than the toilet bowl . Simple tips are then at your fingertips to limit them. 

          Take a cloth or paper towel to wipe your screen daily. If you want to clean it thoroughly to remove a maximum of bacteria present, soak your cloth with a mixture of water and alcohol or vinegar , but a small amount, wring and clean your screen. 

          To complete your cleaning, do not hesitate to bring a cotton swab, disassemble the rear structure and polish every nook and cranny. 
          Do not forget that after removing all the dirt from your smartphone or tablet , you will have to proceed in the same way for its shell or cover, otherwise you will have done all this process for nothing.

          Your keyboards

          Dust, germs, foods, etc. deeply foul your digital alphabet. Needless to say, many people who daily zap its cleaning, its narrow forms and fragility due to its electronic components, which leave little room for leaching. To tap on your keyboard in all tranquility, we deliver you some secrets that will delight you, that's for sure.

          First, use a non-rigid bristle brush, such as a soft toothbrush or make-up brush . Gently switch between the keys with a sweeping motion to remove as much material as possible. If you have a specific vacuum cleaner for keyboards, no need to use a brush, do the same with this one.

          After removing as much material as possible, take a hydroalcoholic solution or vinegar , dilute it with a little water to break its concentration and lightly soak a piece of rag. Sanitize your keyboard. Do not go back on the keys already cleaned at the risk of coming there to deposit new bacteria. You can perform this task twice starting from the opposite of where you started this action.

          Earphones, stop bacteria

          Passionate about your walkman, you always walk in earphones. Know that these contain many bacteria and that at any time, you run the risk of developing many infections if they are not polished regularly. We give you the solution to limit any contamination. This technique should be performed every day for maximum efficiency.

          Remove the part made of foam or silicone. Put it in a small container where you will have beforehand, a little soapy water . Soak for a few minutes, rinse thoroughly, wipe dry and allow to dry on a completely sanitized surface.        

          For the rest of your helmet, take a cotton swab, go in the small hollow with delicacy. Then proceed to its holding structure or the wires of your headphones. Apply a disinfectant lotion to a tissue and pass it over the entire structure.

          To finish with your headphones, we inform you that they must be destined to a single person, do not lend them under any circumstances.

          You are ready for many adventures in companies of your favorite technologies.

          This content is also valid for many electronic devices such as your connected watches, Bluetooth speakers, music players, audio stations, etc.

          Before reassembling and turning on your digital scrubbers, we recommend that you wait for each component to be completely dry to avoid any damage . We also remind you that these various actions must be performed daily and, to maintain impeccable hygiene when using your electronic devices, wash your hands before each use.