Your car is dirty? Here are our 8 tips to clean it effectively in the shortest time!
To clean your windshield, windows and mirrors, nothing is better than newspaper . For it to be effective, crumble it into a ball and soak it lightly with water and a little white vinegar, before passing it on your tiles.
To ensure good visibility, it is better that your windshield is nickel and not immaculate tasks of all kinds. For this, it is essential that your wipers leave no trace when you snap them.
To do this, once your window is cleaned, take a cloth soaked in a mixture of water and white vinegar and pass it on the squeegees. Be careful however, do not be abrupt because you could tear them off.
To remove the dirt from which they are covered, start cleaning by spraying a window cleaner : let it work for a few minutes before scrubbing vigorously, then rinse with water.
If necessary, do not hesitate to bring a small brush if tasks are recalcitrant. Finally, and to dry them, use a slightly wet chamois leather.
To remove it, no need to spend money in special products ... A simple onion is enough! Beforehand, wash your bumper with linseed oil then pass half a onion on the rust to make it disappear.
If the light from your headlights is clogged with dirt, it is best to fix this problem before you become a walking hazard. To finally shine 1,000 fires, a tube of toothpaste is more than enough!
How to proceed ? Cover your headlights with a thin layer and, using a cloth, make small circles. Then go to the rinsing and drying step. You can also do the same with baking soda mixed in water.
To add a touch of color to your color, clean them with water and then wipe over a cloth on which you have dumped ... soda ! An unstoppable solution!
To take care of it, and erase any stains, clean them with soap then, step 2, nothing like olive oil , poured on a clean cloth! This being the case, it is useful to use it in small quantities so that your seats are not fat and oily.
To eliminate them and other small dirt that are difficult to recover because they get stuck in hard to reach places, have a flat screwdriver . In order not to damage the interior of your cabin, cover it with a cloth.