While digital is always more land, the business card still has a place to communicate your details and remind you of the memories of your interlocutors. But how to make your little cardboard rectangle successful? Editus gives you some advice.
Indicate your professional email address, as well as your telephone numbers: your direct line to the office and your laptop.
Stick to this information: there is no point in annotating your address, no one will write to you by mail.
Eventually, you can join your details on social networks : mention your LinkedIn and Twitter addresses.
Of course, and even if it makes sense, do not forget to include your first and last name , as well as the name of your company and the position you hold .
Do not be original and opt for a standard card template that slips easily into a wallet.
So, choose a size of 8.5 cm x 5.4 cm , which corresponds to the size of a bank card.
People are used to seeing this format , so it is useless to propose a map where information is written vertically.
Nevertheless, you can possibly choose this format if you propose a product or service that is really out of the ordinary.
If you choose a brilliant film , the colors on your card will stand out more and will be bright.
On the contrary, if you decide for a matte film , the result will be less lively and therefore a little less aggressive.
Use a professional to make your cards, rather than make them at home: the printing and cutting will be well done.
For the paper , prefer a thick model , so that the card avoids tearing or wrinkling as soon as it is handled: choose one with a thickness of 300 gr. minimum .
No need to vary the fonts on your map, better limit yourself to two different styles. Choose the Times New Roman or the Calibri , which are sober.
Also avoid fonts that are too small (not less than 7.5 pt), as well as those that are too colorful.
Better leave it empty so that you or your interlocutor can add notes to the hand.
In order for your contact person to remember you and immediately visualize the company you are working for, it is important to include a visual element.
In order not to have the entire map "eaten" by the logo, it is of course necessary to adapt its size .