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Adapt simple actions for healthy eating
Even today, it is difficult for many people to eat a healthy diet on a daily basis. Whether in a restaurant, in the supermarket or even at home while preparing small meals or during daily snacks, today we give you some tips to improve your diet.
Restaurant tips
" I cannot be careful with the food, because I eat lunch at the restaurant ”. This situation is indeed completely false because even while eating lunch every day at the restaurant, there are certain defense strategies to maintain a correct diet . Therefore, no one is forcing you to eat everything in front of you. Of course, temptations are even more present when they are in front of our eyes, which is why the best way to resist certain foods is not to have them on the table. When ordering, use your nutritional intelligence :
- It is not compulsory to consume starters or aperitifs.
- If your dish includes French fries, ask to substitute them with rice, boiled potatoes, salad, or vegetables.
- When your meal is rich in sausages, you can ask the waiter for only one serving, two small ones, or lean meats. For the rest of the day, avoid other foods high in fat and salt as much as possible.
- If the dose is too large, you can take the rest home.
- Don't be tempted by the large menus of some restaurants, even if someone patiently reminds you of the “benefits” of paying less and eating more.
Supermarket tips
Since of course you don't eat out every day at restaurants, you will also need to be nutritional smart when selecting your foods at the supermarket. For it :
- Don't go shopping hungry and make a list of what you need. Don't waste time in the hallways where there are products you don't need.
- If you have to buy less healthy foods for a special occasion, only take what is needed.
- Avoid having a pantry and refrigerator with a lot of food that might tempt you frequently.
- Watch out for nutritional supplements . Beware of nutritional supplements because they cannot be taken effectively without the advice of health professionals, at the risk of overloading your body. For example, protein supplements to increase muscle mass can, among other things, cause kidney overload.
And at home ?
Why look in pharmacies for vitamins, fibers or omega-3 that you can find in your meals at home? Home-made cooking recipes will always be those where you can manage the amount of fat and salt as dressily as possible. It is also the place where you will get the best value for your meals. For it :
- Often use legumes (grains, beans, peas, beans, soybeans), which are high in slowly absorbing carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and fat free. Opt for soy and its high protein content to replace meat and fish. This way you will get balanced and cheaper meals.
- At home, always try to prepare salads, vegetables or soup. A soup with little potatoes is ideal to precede the main course. On the other hand, a cereal or bean soup with vegetables can even replace a lighter dinner.
- Don't be tempted by pre-cooked meals. They can save you time, but most of the time they are excessively high in salt and fat.
- If you or someone in your family has a medical condition , remember that meals can be the same for everyone. View this as a great opportunity for the whole family to start eating healthier meals .
Demonstrating nutritional intelligence during your lunches, shopping at the supermarket or even when preparing your meals at home cannot be improvised overnight. To help you in your daily life and to set up nutritional programs, do not hesitate to call on Silvana Vieira Galrao , dietician since 2009.