This is an observation ; today more than yesterday, more and more individuals attach great importance to the development of healthy habits in their daily life. Between practicing regular physical activity and adapting your diet to a healthier and more ecological style, discover how to develop your nutritional intelligence.
With the industrialization of food, the food offer has now expanded, creating an ever greater diversity of food products and therefore many temptations that are easy to succumb. These temptations which constantly occupy our visual field in supermarkets end up in some way representing a reward that we grant ourselves and an escape from the routine. Fast and economical, these little pleasures are in reality only fleeting moments of comfort, which we often regret after having consumed them.
Ingested in large quantities, these food products containing calories, fat, sugar or salt are the result of short-term side effects such as weight gain in particular. In the medium and long term, a poor diet will contribute to a cascade of consequences such as insulin resistance, deregulation of blood fats or even increased blood pressure.
Not only by integrating food but also by developing psychology and behavior, each individual today has the opportunity to work on their nutritional intelligence to avoid all the inconveniences mentioned above.
Today, many products should be avoided to ensure good health. Smoking is recognized as harmful to health because tobacco contains harmful and addictive substances, which is why so many people quit smoking. Considering the exponential increase in diseases caused by poor food choices, not only in adults but also in children, it is important to be aware of the different food products that we consume.
But like cigarette packages that routinely feature statements such as "Frequent consumption of this product is seriously injurious to health", this finding is relatively different for many foods on the market that should also contain this type of warning. At this point, it is therefore important to ask yourself why should you pay for food and meals known to be bad? Avoid bad products for your health so as not to suffer consequences that will affect your quality of life and change your lifestyle in the future.
Showing nutritional intelligence does not necessarily mean depriving yourself. In some cases it may even turn out " healthy To go too far, because when you try to resist temptations indefinitely, you run the risk of "succumbing" later. As the saying goes "the forbidden fruit is the most desirable", it will be better to choose the days when you indulge yourself but also to know how often it will occur. This will allow you to be aware of the effect this may have in the medium and long term.
But this excess must above all be done according to each person's situation. ; for example, a person with diabetes taking insulin to control their blood sugar levels will need to be much more careful about their consumption of foods high in sugar. This will also concern people who need to lose weight and practice sports.
To achieve your goal, it will then be important to change your eating habits, learn to make the right choices and manage your health more consciously. It's time to start giving food the importance it really has - a factor that influences health and quality of life.
To help you develop your nutritional intelligence, ask for advice and programs from Silvana Vieira Galrao , dietician since 2009.