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          How to improve office ergonomics?

          Ergonomics work

           (Photo: © Shutterstock)

          UPDATED JUNE 19, 2019

          Reading time: 2 min

          Ergonomics is about improving the working conditions of employees, so that they can increase their productivity. It also looks after their health and can in particular help reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

          TMS: a pain of our time

          The Accident Insurance Association (AAA) has seen in recent years a significant increase in occupational pathologies due to a lack of ergonomic workstations. Thus, this kind of syndrome affects everyone, regardless of the socio-professional category.

          Indeed, the main factors contributing to MSDs are repetitive movements and poor postures (static positions and prolonged local pressures). It is therefore important to educate office workers about this cause.

          Change your working position

          The ideal is to have your feet resting on the ground, your shoulders relaxed, your elbows resting on the armrests and your back straight.

          If you can not get this position, you probably need to lower or raise your chair .

          Adjust your screen

          In order not to damage your eyes , make sure that there is no reflection. You can, for example, apply an anti-glare film to minimize the effort of your eyes in front of your screen. You must also have eyes directly in front of your screen.

          If you are using a laptop, it is likely that your gaze is pointing down when you are watching your screen. To solve this problem, there are laptop risers .

          Adjust the height of your desk

          Why not ask your company to equip you with adjustable work tables ? Our body is not designed to stay in the same position all day. Thus, you will be able to perform certain standing tasks and avoid a too static position to minimize the risk of MSDs.

          If this type of office is not accessible to you, your work surface must be adapted to your size. It must be at the height of your elbows, and the arms and forearms must form a 90-degree angle.

          Check the ergonomics of your mouse

          The mouse must fit in the palm of your hand and you must be able to surround it with your fingers without difficulty. It must be positioned next to your keyboard, without having to have to offset your limbs to reach it.

          Your keyboard should be at the same height as your elbows. Take a second keyboard if you have two screens.

          You have all the keys to make your office a pleasant space. For more information on ergonomics at work, you can find out about occupational health .  

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