To begin with, not all trades are accessible to telework. When this is the case, one in five people normally work from home. Now, due to Coronavirus, this rate goes up to almost 100%.
For many of us, this is our first telework experience. In addition, it is sometimes complicated for some people to be as productive at home as in the office. For these, we have listed 5 tips for working as effectively at home as you normally would.
Create niches and goals : it is much easier to advance in your work by setting goals, even small ones. In addition, they will help you not to lose track of your work and meet your business deadlines.
Define an office space : people who telecommute often tend to want to settle in the bedroom or in the living room but the temptation is all the greater. Sit in another room or separate the room in half with a screen or shelf so you can devote yourself fully to your work.
Opt for a desktop computer : indeed a fixed computer will allow you to concentrate more and especially not to move to the sofa to watch your favorite series. Remember to watch your series outside of office hours !
Equip yourself with a good office chair : Working on the sofa or on the kitchen chair seems like a good idea at first glance, but above all you need to have good support for your back. To do this, nothing better than a good office chair like the one you normally have for work.
Know how to take breaks and stop : In order not to give in to temptation, we recommend that you take regular breaks such as for lunch, a snack or a micro-nap. Take breaks like you would at the office. Know how to stop and spend time on other activities to keep your mind clear. Your mental health is as important as your physical health.
So there you have our best tips for working pleasantly at home ??