The Grand Duchy is " slowly ". Since April 20, construction has resumed, whether for renovation or construction work. The pupils of the first and final years resumed their lessons on May 4. This Monday, May 11 launches phase 2 of deconfinement. Here you will find all the useful information related to this 2nd phase decontainment.
Reopening of shops
However, this May 11 marks the almost complete reopening of businesses. The artisans have resumed their way to work for almost three weeks. Only cinemas, sports halls and restaurants remain closed. Cultural places such as museums, exhibition centers or libraries can also reopen if they respect all security measures such as welcoming a reduced audience or booking online.
From this Monday, you can therefore :
Note that outdoor physical activities, without physical contact, are also allowed, but the pools remain closed.
Rules to respect
Xavier Bettel also announced that the rallies will be authorized again. However, there will also have to be some restrictions : for outdoor gatherings, a maximum of 20 people will be allowed. If you want to see your family or friends, know that you will have to respect a maximum of 6 people under one roof.
Progressive deconfinement does not mean that there is no longer any risk of contamination. It is therefore always important to continue limiting exits and respecting barrier gestures. Wearing a mask is compulsory if it is not possible to keep a distance of two meters from people who do not live with you. It is therefore essential to wear one in public transport or markets, for example. The protection of vulnerable people is obviously still topical.
Finally, the artisans have resumed their way to work for almost three weeks. Don't hesitate to request a free quote here for your garden or renovation / construction work