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          Instructions for an effective nap

          Tips for a good nap

          A sudden move during the day? Take a nap, no matter where! But how can it be done so that it is not counterproductive? Editus gives you some tips for refueling in just a few minutes.

          The assets of the nap

          Resting during the day would improve its immune defenses , and thus be more resistant to microbes and viral aggressions.

          It would also prevent cardiovascular disease and increase its concentration and performance during the day.

          Finally, taking a nap would be effective for better nights. Although it may seem paradoxical, it would reduce the difficulty of falling asleep.

          When to take a nap?

          At any time of the day if the need arises. It is nevertheless advisable to avoid the end of the day, at the risk of not being able to fall asleep at night.

          The most favorable moment however remains the beginning of the afternoon : it is usually after the meal that fatigue is felt the most.

          How long ?

          At most a nap is short, the more it will be effective. A rest period of 20 minutes is therefore enough to make you feel rested.

          The idea is not to enter a phase of deep sleep, at the risk of being more tired when you wake up. A nap too long could also prevent you from falling asleep at bedtime.

          On the other hand, if you have time in front of you, do not hesitate to sleep a complete sleep cycle: it varies between 1h30 and 2h10.

          How to fall asleep quickly?

          To dive into sleep in the blink of an eye, you need to relax and control your breathing so your heart rate goes down and your muscles relax.

          Or sleep ?

          All over ! Preferably in a quiet place , but it can also be in the office or on public transport .

          During your 20 minutes of rest, cut your mobile phone and use ear plugs if necessary.  

          Which position to adopt?

          The ideal is of course to lie in a bed or sofa , to adopt the horizontal position.

          If this is not possible, an office chair or chair can do the trick. In this case, to avoid muscular pain, it is important to sit properly in the back of your seat, your back straight.

          Did you know ?

          In some Asian countries, siesta is really part of the culture!

          Thus, in Japan, many companies require their employees to rest for about ten minutes before returning to work.

          >> Read also: "15 tips for sleeping well"

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