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          6 sports to refine its size

          sport pour affiner la taille

          You want to lose some weight and sculpt a beautiful silhouette? For this, nothing like the practice of a regular sports activity, combined with a healthy diet. Are sports to be preferred to lose weight faster? Yes ! Put on your sneakers, we tell you all about these disciplines that draw efficiently in fat reserves!

          The bike

          The bike is a sport accessible to all, and very complete since the legs, buttocks and abdominals are solicited. The best way for fats to melt is to practice 3 sessions of 50 minutes a week . Each outing should make you lose between 600 and 700 calories

          The advantage of the bike is that it can be practiced outdoors as well as in the gym. Thus, to give you the impression of not playing sports, enjoy the weekend to take a walk with your spouse, your children, friends ... In good company, you will ride kilometers without realizing it.


          Cardio-vascular exercise, running helps strengthen the thighs and buttocks, and to spend more than 800 calories per hour when practiced at a moderate pace. This activity, by drawing on your fat reserves, will increase your muscle mass and, consequently, your metabolism: so, even at rest, you will be spending more calories.

          If you are a novice, go step by step: do not force and focus on four short sessions per week, rather than two long outings . Another tip: to avoid hurting yourself, it is also essential to practice a warm-up and stretching after your race. Do not forget to drink regularly during your trip.


          Almost every muscle in your body is solicited in a pool , allowing you to carve your legs and refine your thighs, while firming your upper body. Depending on the intensity, you can lose between 500 and 800 calories in 60 minutes of practice, which makes swimming a sport also ideal for weight loss.

          For those who do not want to chase the lengths, there are alternatives such as water aerobics and aquabiking . This last discipline consists of pedaling on a bike installed in the water: ideal to remove cellulite and orange peel.


          Accessible to all, walking can have a beneficial effect on the body if it is practiced at a pace a little higher than usual, at a speed of about 6km / h. What's more, being outdoors and getting some fresh air will be very good for your morale.

          Walking at such an intensity will not only strengthen your thighs, but also your calves and glutes , while sharpening your waist. You will also lose some calories, between 240 and 300 calories in an hour .

          To motivate yourself, go out to several and discover new places. A walking club can also be a great alternative. To measure the distance covered, and discover your progress, you can equip yourself with a pedometer.

          Jumping rope

          This activity may seem trivial since you were already younger, you probably already in the playground of your school ... Yet, if you practice 60 minutes, you can lose up to 700 calories !

          To begin, go slowly: start with small series of a dozen jumps then increase the rate gradually. You will see that your cellulite will disappear little by little .

          Nevertheless, jumping rope is not advisable to everyone: the body is strongly solicited by constantly lifting, it is not recommended for people suffering from joint problems to practice this sport.


          This is not the sport activity that you think of first when you want to tone your body, but yogacan strengthen the abdominal strap and therefore, to have a flatter stomach and to refine the size .

          The sequence of postures and the different breathing exercises also allow to strengthen the back and the shoulders, while improving its flexibility.