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          Gym: 5 tips for beginners

          Gym: 5 tips for beginners

          To practice a sports activity is part of your good resolutions for 2018? Congratulations! But why wait until January 1 to get started? Register now in a room, and follow the advice of Editus.lu. Master-word: motivation!

          Equip yourself       

          Getting to the room is an opportunity to do some shopping: i invest in shoes with good cushioning , they will allow you to move without the risk of hurting your foot or ankle.

          Take advantage of your visit to a sports shop to buy sportswear and, in particular, for women, a sports bra: more practical than a t-shirt, it helps prevent chafing and support the chest properly.

          Remember to warm up 

          Once in the room, go through the warm-up box : it will allow you to increase your heart rate and heat your muscles, which will help you avoid further injury. 

          For one hour of sport, count 10 minutes of warm-up. Jump, trot on the spot, extend your arms, etc. If you take part in a group class, make a treadmill.

          Opt for simple movements

          As a first step, do not torture yourself unnecessarily, make movements such as lunges, push-ups, push-ups, or leg curls. These movements, those basic, are the most effective to start

          When you have resumed the sport for several weeks, you can then consider making more complex movements. But do not burn the steps: progress at your own pace will help keep your motivation intact

          Get advice 

          Complicated machines, exercises that we do not know how to perform effectively, ... At the least question, ask the staff present in the room, it is there to inform you.  

          If you feel like it, and your budget is somewhat scalable, you can even give yourself the services of a " personal trainer ". The latter will be able to advise you, concoct a customized program, and give you a good dose of motivation . You will sweat, but the results will be more quickly visible with a coach at your side.

          Listen to yourself       

          If you feel pain, do not force , you could hurt yourself more. So be attentive to your body and do not traumatize it, at the risk of having to stop the sport for a certain period of time.

          On the other hand, during and after the sport, even if you do not feel thirsty, force yourself to drink : Water, or a nutrient-rich drink, helps moisturize your tissues and compensate for the loss caused by perspiration.

          Motivated? Editus. read helps you find the gym of your choice!